دنبال کردن
Linda A Macaulay
Linda A Macaulay
Professor of System Design, The University of Manchester, UK
ایمیل تأیید شده در mbs.ac.uk
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Requirements engineering
LA Macaulay
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Service-based software: the future for flexible software
K Bennett, P Layzell, D Budgen, P Brereton, L Macaulay, M Munro
Proceedings Seventh Asia-Pacific Software Engeering Conference. APSEC 2000 …, 2000
Investigating cultural differences in virtual software teams
G Dafoulas, L Macaulay
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 7 (1 …, 2002
Requirements capture as a cooperative activity
L Macaulay
[1993] Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Requirements …, 1993
The role of trust in virtual teams
T Ishaya, L Macaulay
Electronic Journal of Organizational Virtualness 1 (1), 140-157, 1999
Human-computer interaction for software designers
L Macaulay
(No Title), 1995
The future of software
P Brereton, D Budgen, K Bennnett, M Munro, P Layzell, L MaCaulay, ...
Communications of the ACM 42 (12), 78-84, 1999
Requirements capture and IS methodologies
PD Chatzoglou, LA Macaulay
Information Systems Journal 6 (3), 209-225, 1996
USTM: a new approach to requirements specification
L Macaulay, C Fowler, M Kirby, A Hutt
Interacting with Computers 2 (1), 92-118, 1990
Individual trust and development of online business communities
T Nolan, R Brizland, L Macaulay
Information Technology & People 20 (1), 53-71, 2007
Exploring individual trust factors in computer mediated group collaboration: a case study approach
X Cheng, L Macaulay
Group Decision and Negotiation 23, 533-560, 2014
Evaluation of online assessment: The role of feedback in learner-centered e-learning
N Iahad, GA Dafoulas, E Kalaitzakis, LA Macaulay
37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004 …, 2004
Requirements capture and analysis: A survey of current practice
PD Chatzoglou, LA Macaulay
Requirements engineering 1, 75-87, 1996
Requirements for requirements engineering techniques
L Macaulay
Proceedings of the second international conference on requirements …, 1996
Don't give up the community: a viewpoint of trust development in online collaboration
X Cheng, T Nolan, L Macaulay
Information Technology & People 26 (3), 298-318, 2013
Co-evolving e-tail and on-line communities: Conceptual framework
LA Macaulay, K Keeling, P McGoldrick, G Dafoulas, E Kalaitzakis, ...
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 11 (4), 53-77, 2007
A review of existing models for project planning and estimation and the need for a new approach
PD Chatzoglou, LA Macaulay
International Journal of Project Management 14 (3), 173-183, 1996
An investigation into software maintenance—perception and practices
PJ Layzell, LA Macaulay
Journal of Software Maintenance: research and practice 6 (3), 105-120, 1994
A Model Driven Architecture for Enterprise Application Integration.
A Al Mosawi, L Zhao, LA Macaulay
HICSS 39, 4-7, 2006
The importance of human factors in planning the requirements capture stage of a project
PD Chatzoglou, LA Macaulay
International Journal of Project Management 15 (1), 39-53, 1997
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مقاله‌ها 1–20