دنبال کردن
Matteo Marcuzzi
Matteo Marcuzzi
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham
ایمیل تأیید شده در nottingham.ac.uk
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Universal nonequilibrium properties of dissipative Rydberg gases
M Marcuzzi, E Levi, S Diehl, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 113 (21), 210401, 2014
Prethermalization in a nonintegrable quantum spin chain after a quench
M Marcuzzi, J Marino, A Gambassi, A Silva
Physical review letters 111 (19), 197203, 2013
Discrete time crystals in the absence of manifest symmetries or disorder in open quantum systems
FM Gambetta, F Carollo, M Marcuzzi, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 122 (1), 015701, 2019
Facilitation dynamics and localization phenomena in Rydberg lattice gases with position disorder
M Marcuzzi, J Minář, D Barredo, S De Léséleuc, H Labuhn, T Lahaye, ...
Physical Review Letters 118 (6), 063606, 2017
Absorbing state phase transition with competing quantum and classical fluctuations
M Marcuzzi, M Buchhold, S Diehl, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 116 (24), 245701, 2016
Experimental signatures of an absorbing-state phase transition in an open driven many-body quantum system
R Gutiérrez, C Simonelli, M Archimi, F Castellucci, E Arimondo, ...
Physical Review A 96 (4), 041602, 2017
Open quantum generalisation of Hopfield neural networks
P Rotondo, M Marcuzzi, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky, M Müller
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (11), 115301, 2018
A terahertz-driven non-equilibrium phase transition in a room temperature atomic vapour
CG Wade, M Marcuzzi, E Levi, JM Kondo, I Lesanovsky, CS Adams, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3567, 2018
Non-equilibrium universality in the dynamics of dissipative cold atomic gases
M Marcuzzi, E Levi, W Li, JP Garrahan, B Olmos, I Lesanovsky
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 072003, 2015
Nonequilibrium effective field theory for absorbing state phase transitions in driven open quantum spin systems
M Buchhold, B Everest, M Marcuzzi, I Lesanovsky, S Diehl
Physical Review B 95 (1), 014308, 2017
Effective dynamics of strongly dissipative Rydberg gases
M Marcuzzi, J Schick, B Olmos, I Lesanovsky
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (48), 482001, 2014
Localization in spin chains with facilitation constraints and disordered interactions
M Ostmann, M Marcuzzi, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review A 99 (6), 060101, 2019
Signatures of associative memory behavior in a multimode Dicke model
E Fiorelli, M Marcuzzi, P Rotondo, F Carollo, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review Letters 125 (7), 070604, 2020
Prethermalization from a low-density Holstein-Primakoff expansion
M Marcuzzi, J Marino, A Gambassi, A Silva
Physical Review B 94 (21), 214304, 2016
Epidemic dynamics in open quantum spin systems
C Pérez-Espigares, M Marcuzzi, R Gutiérrez, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 119 (14), 140401, 2017
Strong zero modes in a class of generalized Ising spin ladders with plaquette interactions
LM Vasiloiu, F Carollo, M Marcuzzi, JP Garrahan
Physical Review B 100 (2), 024309, 2019
Emergent kinetic constraints, ergodicity breaking, and cooperative dynamics in noisy quantum systems
B Everest, M Marcuzzi, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review E 94 (5), 052108, 2016
Non-adiabatic quantum state preparation and quantum state transport in chains of Rydberg atoms
M Ostmann, J Minář, M Marcuzzi, E Levi, I Lesanovsky
New Journal of Physics 19 (12), 123015, 2017
Response functions after a quantum quench
M Marcuzzi, A Gambassi
Physical Review B 89 (13), 134307, 2014
Synthetic lattices, flat bands and localization in Rydberg quantum simulators
M Ostmann, M Marcuzzi, J Minář, I Lesanovsky
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (2), 02LT01, 2019
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مقاله‌ها 1–20