Self-consistent model of hydrogen chemisorption DM Newns Physical Review 178 (3), 1123, 1969 | 1990 | 1969 |
On the solution of the Coqblin-Schreiffer Hamiltonian by the large-N expansion technique N Read, DM Newns Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16 (17), 3273, 1983 | 693 | 1983 |
Mean-field theory of intermediate valence/heavy fermion systems DM Newns, N Read Advances in Physics 36 (6), 799-849, 1987 | 486 | 1987 |
Chemisorption on metals JP Muscat, DM Newns Progress in Surface Science 9 (1), 1-43, 1978 | 482 | 1978 |
Dielectric response of a semi-infinite degenerate electron gas DM Newns Physical Review B 1 (8), 3304, 1970 | 436 | 1970 |
Charge exchange in atom-surface scattering: Thermal versus quantum mechanical non-adiabaticity R Brako, DM Newns Surface Science 108 (2), 253-270, 1981 | 423 | 1981 |
Intrinsic dead layer effect and the performance of ferroelectric thin film capacitors C Zhou, DM Newns Journal of Applied Physics 82 (6), 3081-3088, 1997 | 399 | 1997 |
Desorption induced by multiple electronic transitions JA Misewich, TF Heinz, DM Newns Physical review letters 68 (25), 3737, 1992 | 366 | 1992 |
Anomalous isotope effect and Van Hove singularity in superconducting Cu oxides CC Tsuei, DM Newns, CC Chi, PC Pattnaik Physical review letters 65 (21), 2724, 1990 | 365 | 1990 |
Blue Gene: A vision for protein science using a petaflop supercomputer F Allen, G Almasi, W Andreoni, D Beece, BJ Berne, A Bright, J Brunheroto, ... IBM systems journal 40 (2), 310-327, 2001 | 356 | 2001 |
Theory of electronic processes in atom scattering from surfaces R Brako, DM Newns Reports on Progress in Physics 52 (6), 655, 1989 | 342 | 1989 |
Mott transition field effect transistor DM Newns, JA Misewich, CC Tsuei, A Gupta, BA Scott, A Schrott Applied Physics Letters 73 (6), 780, 1998 | 334 | 1998 |
Symplectic quaternion scheme for biophysical molecular dynamics TF Miller Iii, M Eleftheriou, P Pattnaik, A Ndirango, D Newns, GJ Martyna The Journal of chemical physics 116 (20), 8649-8659, 2002 | 322 | 2002 |
Electronically driven adsorbate excitation mechanism in femtosecond-pulse laser desorption M Brandbyge, P Hedegård, TF Heinz, JA Misewich, DM Newns Physical Review B 52 (8), 6042, 1995 | 271 | 1995 |
Room-temperature ferromagnetic nanotubes controlled by electron or hole doping L Krusin-Elbaum, DM Newns, H Zeng, V Derycke, JZ Sun, R Sandstrom Nature 431 (7009), 672-676, 2004 | 269 | 2004 |
Multilayer storage class memory using externally heated phase change material L Krusin-Elbaum, BG Elmegreen, DM Newns, X Wang US Patent 7,692,959, 2010 | 227 | 2010 |
A new functional integral formalism for the degenerate Anderson model N Read, DM Newns Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16 (29), L1055, 1983 | 221 | 1983 |
Role of Van Hove singularity in high-temperature superconductors: Mean field DM Newns, PC Pattnaik, CC Tsuei Physical Review B 43 (4), 3075, 1991 | 201 | 1991 |
Stability of the Kondo lattice in the large-N limit N Read, DM Newns, S Doniach Physical Review B 30 (7), 3841, 1984 | 199 | 1984 |
A local Fermi liquid theory of intermediate valence systems DM Newns, AC Hewson Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 10 (11), 2429, 1980 | 191 | 1980 |