مقاله‌های دارای تعهدات انتشار عمومی - Abderrahim Hantouteبیشتر بدانید
جای دیگری دردسترس نیست: ۳
Calmness of the argmin mapping in linear semi-infinite optimization
MJ Cánovas, A Hantoute, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 160, 111-126, 2014
تعهدات: Government of Spain
Subdifferential calculus rules for possibly nonconvex integral functions
R Correa, A Hantoute, P Pérez-Aros
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 58 (1), 462-484, 2020
تعهدات: Government of Spain
A New Tour on the Subdifferential of the Supremum Function
A Hantoute, MA López-Cerdá
International Meeting on Functional Analysis and Continuous Optimization …, 2022
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
جای دیگری دردسترس است: ۱۶
Subdifferential characterization of probability functions under Gaussian distribution
A Hantoute, R Henrion, P Pérez-Aros
Mathematical Programming 174, 167-194, 2019
تعهدات: German Research Foundation
Weaker conditions for subdifferential calculus of convex functions
R Correa, A Hantoute, MA López
Journal of Functional Analysis 271 (5), 1177-1212, 2016
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
Nonsmooth Lyapunov pairs for differential inclusions governed by operators with nonempty interior domain
S Adly, A Hantoute, M Théra
Mathematical Programming 157, 349-374, 2016
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
Calmness modulus of fully perturbed linear programs
MJ Cánovas, A Hantoute, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Mathematical Programming 158 (1), 267-290, 2016
تعهدات: Government of Spain
Towards supremum-sum subdifferential calculus free of qualification conditions
R Correa, A Hantoute, MA López
SIAM Journal on Optimization 26 (4), 2219-2234, 2016
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, European Commission, Government of Spain
Boundary of subdifferentials and calmness moduli in linear semi-infinite optimization
MJ Cánovas, A Hantoute, J Parra, FJ Toledo
Optimization Letters 9, 513-521, 2015
تعهدات: Government of Spain
Moreau--Rockafellar-Type Formulas for the Subdifferential of the Supremum Function
R Correa, A Hantoute, MA López-Cerdá
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (2), 1106-1130, 2019
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, European Commission, Government of Spain
Subdifferential of the supremum via compactification of the index set
R Correa, A Hantoute, MA López
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 48, 569-588, 2020
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
Subdifferential of the supremum function: moving back and forth between continuous and non-continuous settings
R Correa, A Hantoute, MA López
Mathematical Programming 189, 217-247, 2021
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
Alternative representations of the normal cone to the domain of supremum functions and subdifferential calculus
R Correa, A Hantoute, MA López
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 29 (3), 683-699, 2021
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
Characterization of Lipschitz continuous difference of convex functions
A Hantoute, JE Martinez-Legaz
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 159, 673-680, 2013
تعهدات: Government of Spain
New tour on the subdifferential of supremum via finite sums and suprema
A Hantoute, MA López-Cerdá
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1-26, 2022
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
Conjugation-Based Approach to the -Subdifferential of Convex Suprema
R Correa, A Hantoute, MA López
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 32 (1), 8, 2024
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
Subdifferential and conjugate calculus of integral functions with and without qualification conditions
A Hantoute, A Jourani
تعهدات: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Spain
Convex Representatives of the Value Function and Aumann Integrals in Normed Spaces
F Flores-Bazán, A Hantoute
SIAM Journal on Optimization 32 (4), 2773-2796, 2022
تعهدات: Government of Spain
Weaker conditions for subdifferential calculus of convex functions
R Correa Fontecilla, A Hantoute, MA López
Elsevier, 2016
تعهدات: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
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