دنبال کردن
Jens Åström
Jens Åström
ایمیل تأیید شده در nina.no
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نقل شده توسط
Mutually beneficial pollinator diversity and crop yield outcomes in small and large farms
LA Garibaldi, LG Carvalheiro, BE Vaissière, B Gemmill-Herren, J Hipólito, ...
Science 351 (6271), 388-391, 2016
Emerging technologies revolutionise insect ecology and monitoring
R Van Klink, T August, Y Bas, P Bodesheim, A Bonn, F Fossøy, TT Høye, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 37 (10), 872-885, 2022
Paint it black: Efficacy of increased wind turbine rotor blade visibility to reduce avian fatalities
R May, T Nygård, U Falkdalen, J Åström, Ø Hamre, BG Stokke
Ecology and evolution 10 (16), 8927-8935, 2020
Local resources, linear elements and mass-flowering crops determine bumblebee occurrences in moderately intensified farmlands
E Kallioniemi, J Åström, GM Rusch, S Dahle, S Åström, JO Gjershaug
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 239, 90-100, 2017
At which spatial and temporal scales can fungi indicate habitat connectivity?
J Nordén, J Åström, T Josefsson, S Blumentrath, O Ovaskainen, ...
Ecological Indicators 91, 138-148, 2018
Patch size matters more than dispersal distance in a mainland–island metacommunity
J Åström, J Bengtsson
Oecologia 167, 747-757, 2011
CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination
A Allen‐Perkins, A Magrach, M Dainese, LA Garibaldi, D Kleijn, R Rader, ...
Ecology 103 (3), e3614, 2022
Negative and matrix‐dependent effects of dispersal corridors in an experimental metacommunity
J Åström, T Pärt
Ecology 94 (1), 72-82, 2013
Kunnskapsstatus for insektpollinering i Norge-betydningen av det komplekse samspillet mellom planter og insekter
Ø Totland, KA Hovstad, F Ødegaard, J Åström
Artsdatabanken, Norge, 2013
Six pelagic seabird species of the North Atlantic engage in a fly-and-forage strategy during their migratory movements
F Amélineau, B Merkel, A Tarroux, S Descamps, T Anker-Nilssen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 676, 127-144, 2021
Year-round distribution of Northeast Atlantic seabird populations: applications for population management and marine spatial planning
P Fauchald, A Tarroux, F Amélineau, VS Bråthen, S Descamps, M Ekker, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 676, 255-276, 2021
Flattening the curve: approaching complete sampling for diverse beetle communities
RC Burner, T Birkemoe, J Åström, A Sverdrup‐Thygeson
Insect Conservation and Diversity 15 (2), 157-167, 2022
Arctic-breeding seabirds’ hotspots in space and time-A methodological framework for year-round modelling of environmental niche and abundance using light-logger data
P Fauchald, A Tarroux, VS Bråthen, S Descamps, M Ekker, HH Helgason, ...
Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), 2019
An automated procedure (v2. 0) to obtain positions from light-level geolocators in large-scale tracking of seabirds. A method description for the SEATRACK project
VS Bråthen, B Moe, F Amélineau, M Ekker, P Fauchald, HH Helgason, ...
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), 2021
Do birds in flight respond to (ultra) violet lighting?
R May, J Åström, Ø Hamre, EL Dahl
Avian Research 8, 1-10, 2017
Fremmede arter ved planteimport–Kartlegging og overvåking 2014–2016
IE Bruteig, A Endrestøl, KB Westergaard, O Hanssen, A Often, J Åström, ...
Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), 2017
Spredningsveier for fremmede arter i Norge
DK Hendrichsen, J Åström, E Forsgren, O Skarpaas
State of knowledge regarding insect pollination in Norway–the importance of the complex interaction between plants and insects
Ø Totland, KA Hovstad, F Ødegaard, J Åström
Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre, Norway, 2013
Fremmede arter–spredningsveien import av planteprodukter. Basisovervåking og metodeutvikling 2017–2018
KB Westergaard, A Endrestøl, O Hanssen, A Often, J Åström, F Fossøy, ...
Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning (NINA), 2018
Repowering Smøla wind-power plant-An assessment of avian conflicts
EL Dahl, RF May, T Nygård, J Åstrøm, OH Diserud
Norsk institutt for naturforskning, 2015
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مقاله‌ها 1–20