دنبال کردن
Aniello Russo
Aniello Russo
NATO STO CMRE; & DISVA, Università Politecnica delle Marche;
ایمیل تأیید شده در univpm.it
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
The Adriatic Sea general circulation. Part I: Air-sea interactions and water mass structure
A Artegiani, E Paschini, A Russo, D Bregant, F Raicich, N Pinardi
Journal of Physical Oceanography 27 (8), 1492-1514, 1997
The Adriatic Sea general circulation. Part II: baroclinic circulation structure
A Artegiani, E Paschini, A Russo, D Bregant, F Raicich, N Pinardi
Journal of Physical Oceanography 27 (8), 1515-1532, 1997
Climatological biogeochemical characteristics of the Adriatic Sea
M Zavatarelli, F Raicich, D Bregant, A Russo, A Artegiani
Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1), 227-263, 1998
Adriatic sea hydrography
A Russo, A Artegiani
Scientia Marina 60, 33-43, 1996
Exceptional dense water formation on the Adriatic shelf in the winter of 2012
H Mihanović, I Vilibić, S Carniel, M Tudor, A Russo, A Bergamasco, ...
Ocean Science 9 (3), 561-572, 2013
Seasonal, spatial and inter-annual variations of trace metals in mussels from the Adriatic sea: A regional gradient for arsenic and implications for monitoring the impact of …
D Fattorini, A Notti, R Di Mento, AM Cicero, M Gabellini, A Russo, F Regoli
Chemosphere 72 (10), 1524-1533, 2008
High-resolution satellite turbidity and sea surface temperature observations of river plume interactions during a significant flood event
VE Brando, F Braga, L Zaggia, C Giardino, M Bresciani, E Matta, ...
Ocean Science 11 (6), 909, 2015
February 2003 marine atmospheric conditions and the bora over the northern Adriatic
CE Dorman, S Carniel, L Cavaleri, M Sclavo, J Chiggiato, J Doyle, ...
J. Geophys. Res 111, C03S03, 2006
Large-scale spatial distribution of virioplankton in the Adriatic Sea: testing the trophic state control hypothesis
C Corinaldesi, E Crevatin, P Del Negro, M Marini, A Russo, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (5), 2664-2673, 2003
Combining litter observations with a regional ocean model to identify sources and sinks of floating debris in a semi-enclosed basin: the Adriatic Sea
DF Carlson, G Suaria, S Aliani, E Fredj, T Fortibuoni, A Griffa, A Russo, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 78, 2017
Effects of bora wind on physical and biogeochemical properties of stratified waters in the northern Adriatic
A Boldrin, S Carniel, M Giani, M Marini, F Bernardi Aubry, A Campanelli, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 114 (C8), 2009
Effects of environmental variables on recruitment of anchovy in the Adriatic Sea
A Santojanni, E Arneri, V Bernardini, N Cingolani, M Di Marco, A Russo
Climate Research 31 (2-3), 181-193, 2006
Northern Adriatic response to a wintertime bora wind event
CM Lee, F Askari, J Book, S Carniel, C Dorman, J Doyle, CK Harris, ...
Krill of the Ross Sea: distribution, abundance and demography of Euphausia superba and Euphausia crystallorophias during the Italian Antarctic Expedition (January-February 2000)
A Sala, M Azzali, A Russo
Scientia Marina 66 (2), 123-133, 2002
Po River plume pattern variability investigated from model data
FM Falcieri, A Benetazzo, M Sclavo, A Russo, S Carniel
Continental Shelf Research 87, 84-95, 2014
Meteorological and oceanographic conditions in the northern Adriatic Sea during the period June 1999–July 2002: influence on the mucilage phenomenon
A Russo, S Maccaferri, T Djakovac, R Precali, D Degobbis, M Deserti, ...
Science of the Total Environment 353 (1), 24-38, 2005
Sensitivity of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone to Different Model Configurations and Coupling Strategies
A Ricchi, MM Miglietta, F Barbariol, A Benetazzo, A Bergamasco, ...
Atmosphere 8 (5), 92, 2017
The Adriatic Sea hydrography and circulation in spring and autumn (1985-1987)
A Artegiani, M Gacic, A Michelato, V Kovacevic, A Russo, E Paschini, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 40 (6), 1143-1180, 1993
A multidisciplinary study on the effects of climate change in the northern Adriatic Sea and the Marche region (central Italy)
F Appiotti, M Krželj, A Russo, M Ferretti, M Bastianini, F Marincioni
Regional Environmental Change 14 (5), 2007-2024, 2014
Influence of environmental conditions on spatial distribution and abundance of early life stages of Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarcticum (Nototheniidae), in the Ross Sea
M La Mesa, B Catalano, A Russo, S Greco, M Vacchi, M Azzali
Antarctic Science 22 (03), 243-254, 2010
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مقاله‌ها 1–20