دنبال کردن
Jason Lim Coo
Jason Lim Coo
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نقل شده توسط
Effects of the roots of Cynodon dactylon and Schefflera heptaphylla on water infiltration rate and soil hydraulic conductivity
AK Leung, A Garg, JL Coo, CWW Ng, BCH Hau
Hydrological processes 29 (15), 3342-3354, 2015
Water infiltration into a new three-layer landfill cover system
CWW Ng, JL Coo, ZK Chen, R Chen
Journal of Environmental Engineering 142 (5), 04016007, 2016
Field study on influence of root characteristics on soil suction distribution in slopes vegetated with Cynodon dactylon and Schefflera heptaphylla
A Garg, JL Coo, CWW Ng
Earth surface processes and landforms 40 (12), 1631-1643, 2015
Hydraulic conductivity of clay mixed with nanomaterials
CWW Ng, JL Coo
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 52 (6), 808-811, 2015
A novel vegetated three-layer landfill cover system using recycled construction wastes without geomembrane
CWW Ng, R Chen, JL Coo, J Liu, JJ Ni, YM Chen, LT Zhan, HW Guo, ...
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (12), 1863-1875, 2019
Gas breakthrough and emission through unsaturated compacted clay in landfill final cover
CWW Ng, ZK Chen, JL Coo, R Chen, C Zhou
Waste Management 44, 155-163, 2015
Effect of nanoparticles on the shrinkage properties of clay
JL Coo, ZPS So, CWW Ng
Engineering geology 213, 84-88, 2016
New transient method for determining soil hydraulic conductivity function
AK Leung, JL Coo, CWW Ng, R Chen
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 53 (8), 1332-1345, 2016
Influence of biopolymer on gas permeability in compacted clay at different densities and water contents
CWW Ng, PS So, SY Lau, C Zhou, JL Coo, JJ Ni
Engineering Geology 272, 105631, 2020
Numerical parametric study of an alternative three-layer capillary barrier cover system
CWW Ng, J Liu, R Chen, JL Coo
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 4419-4429, 2015
Effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration on soil-water retention and induced suction in vegetated soil
CWW Ng, R Tasnim, JL Coo
Engineering Geology 242, 108-120, 2018
Influence of soil nutrients on plant characteristics and soil hydrological responses
CWW Ng, R Tasnim, V Capobianco, JL Coo
Geotechnique letters 8 (1), 19-24, 2018
Effects of biofilm on gas permeability of unsaturated sand
CWW Ng, PS So, JL Coo, C Zhou, SY Lau
Géotechnique 69 (10), 917-923, 2019
Interactions between nutrient types and soil hydrological properties on yield and quality of Pinellia ternata, a medicinal plant
CWW Ng, P San So, JL Coo, SY Lau, JTF Wong
Industrial Crops and Products 195, 116423, 2023
Feasibility study of a new unsaturated three-layer landfill cover system
JL Coo, P San So, B Chen, Z Chao, CWW Ng
E3S Web of Conferences 9, 13004, 2016
An experimental setup to prepare root-free mycorrhizal soil specimen for hydraulic conductivity measurement
XW Chen, JL Coo, PS So, JJ Wang, CWW Ng, MH Wong
Journal of Soils and Sediments 22 (4), 1278-1285, 2022
Field study of water infiltration into a vegetated sustainable three-layer landfill cover system
H Guo, CWW Ng, JL Coo, J Ni
Physical and Numerical Modeling of an Earthen Three-Layer Landfill Cover System under One-Dimensional Infiltration
JL Coo, ZPS So, CWW Ng
PanAm Unsaturated Soils 2017, 247-257, 2017
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
JL Coo, CWW Ng
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong, 0
State-of-the-Art Research in Geo-energy and Geo-environmental Engineering: Energy Pile and Earthen Capillary Landfill Cover System
CWW Ng, JL Coo, A Gunawan
Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA 49 (2), 1-11, 2018
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مقاله‌ها 1–20