دنبال کردن
Amikam Levy
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Quantum Heat Engines and Refrigerators: Continuous Devices
R Kosloff, A Levy
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 65, 365, 2014
Equivalence of quantum heat machines, and quantum-thermodynamic signatures
R Uzdin, A Levy, R Kosloff
Physical Review X 5 (3), 031044, 2015
The local approach to quantum transport may violate the second law of thermodynamics
A Levy, R Kosloff
Europhysics Letters 107 (2), 20004, 2014
Quantum Absorption Refrigerator
A Levy, R Kosloff
Physical Review Letters 108 (7), 70604, 2012
Quantum refrigerators and the third law of thermodynamics
A Levy, R Alicki, R Kosloff
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (6 …, 2012
Time-dependent Markovian quantum master equation
R Dann, A Levy, R Kosloff
Physical Review A 98 (5), 052129, 2018
Quantum heat machines equivalence, work extraction beyond markovianity, and strong coupling via heat exchangers
R Uzdin, A Levy, R Kosloff
Entropy 18 (4), 124, 2016
Quasiprobability distribution for heat fluctuations in the quantum regime
A Levy, M Lostaglio
PRX Quantum 1 (1), 010309, 2020
Quantum flywheel
A Levy, L Diósi, R Kosloff
Physical Review A 93 (5), 052119, 2016
Noise resistant quantum control using dynamical invariants
A Levy, A Kiely, JG Muga, R Kosloff, E Torrontegui
New Journal of Physics 20 (2), 025006, 2018
Kirkwood-Dirac quasiprobability approach to the statistics of incompatible observables
M Lostaglio, A Belenchia, A Levy, S Hernández-Gómez, N Fabbri, ...
Quantum 7, 1128, 2023
Three approaches for representing Lindblad dynamics by a matrix-vector notation
M Am-Shallem, A Levy, I Schaefer, R Kosloff
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.08634, 2015
Quantum engines and refrigerators
LM Cangemi, C Bhadra, A Levy
Physics Reports 1087, 1-71, 2024
Comment on “Cooling by Heating: Refrigeration Powered by Photons”
A Levy, R Alicki, R Kosloff
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (24), 248901, 2012
Projective measurements can probe nonclassical work extraction and time correlations
S Hernández-Gómez, S Gherardini, A Belenchia, M Lostaglio, A Levy, ...
Physical Review Research 6 (2), 023280, 2024
Universal approach to quantum thermodynamics of strongly coupled systems under nonequilibrium conditions and external driving
W Dou, J Bätge, A Levy, M Thoss
Physical Review B 101 (18), 184304, 2020
Quantum features and signatures of quantum thermal machines
A Levy, D Gelbwaser-Klimovsky
Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime: Fundamental Aspects and New Directions …, 2018
Single-atom heat engine as a sensitive thermal probe
A Levy, M Göb, B Deng, K Singer, E Torrontegui, D Wang
New Journal of Physics 22 (9), 093020, 2020
Action-noise-assisted quantum control
A Levy, E Torrontegui, R Kosloff
Physical Review A 96 (3), 033417, 2017
Response theory for nonequilibrium steady states of open quantum systems
A Levy, E Rabani, DT Limmer
Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023252, 2021
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مقاله‌ها 1–20