Machiavellian democracy JP McCormick Cambridge University Press, 2011 | 978 | 2011 |
Carl Schmitt's critique of liberalism: against politics as technology JP McCormick Cambridge University Press, 1997 | 673 | 1997 |
Machiavellian democracy: controlling elites with ferocious populism JP McCormick American Political Science Review 95 (2), 297-313, 2001 | 252 | 2001 |
Machiavelli against republicanism: on the Cambridge school's “Guicciardinian moments” JP McCormick Political Theory 31 (5), 615-643, 2003 | 215 | 2003 |
The dilemmas of dictatorship: Carl Schmitt and constitutional emergency powers JP McCormick Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 10 (1), 163-187, 1997 | 166 | 1997 |
Popular theatres of nineteenth century France J McCormick Routledge, 2003 | 163 | 2003 |
Fear, technology, and the state: Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and the revival of Hobbes in Weimar and National Socialist Germany JP McCormick Political theory 22 (4), 619-652, 1994 | 152 | 1994 |
Contain the wealthy and patrol the magistrates: restoring elite accountability to popular government JP McCormick American Political Science Review 100 (2), 147-163, 2006 | 129 | 2006 |
Weber, Habermas and Transformations of the European State: Constitutional, Social, and Supranational Democracy JP McCormick Cambridge University Press, 2007 | 123 | 2007 |
of Liberalism: Against Politics as Technology JP McCormick, C Schmitt’s Cambridge University, Cambridge, 1997 | 109 | 1997 |
Addressing the political exception: Machiavelli's “accidents” and the mixed regime JP McCormick American Political Science Review 87 (4), 888-900, 1993 | 96 | 1993 |
Reading Machiavelli: scandalous books, suspect engagements, and the virtue of populist politics JP McCormick Princeton University Press, 2018 | 94 | 2018 |
Derrida on law; or, poststructuralism gets serious JP McCormick Derrida and Law, 41-69, 2017 | 85 | 2017 |
Weimar thought: a contested legacy PE Gordon, JP McCormick Princeton University Press, 2013 | 77 | 2013 |
Political theory and political theology: the second wave of Carl Schmitt in English JP McCormick Political Theory 26 (6), 830-854, 1998 | 73 | 1998 |
Rousseau’s Rome and the repudiation of populist republicanism JP McCormick Critical review of international social and political philosophy 10 (1), 3-27, 2007 | 41 | 2007 |
Republicanism and democracy JP McCormick Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics, 89-127, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
Three Ways of Thinking “critically” about the Law JP McCormick American Political Science Review 93 (2), 413-428, 1999 | 37 | 1999 |
Machiavelli's political trials and “The Free Way of Life” JP McCormick Political Theory 35 (4), 385-411, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
The new ochlophobia?: populism, majority rule and prospects for democratic republicanism JP McCormick | 32 | 2019 |