دنبال کردن
Anders Rosén
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Hydroelastic interaction in panel-water impacts of high-speed craft
I Stenius, A Rosén, J Kuttenkeuler
Ocean Engineering 38 (2-3), 371-381, 2011
Explicit FE-modelling of fluid–structure interaction in hull–water impacts
I Stenius, A Rosén, J Kuttenkeuler
International Shipbuilding Progress 53 (2), 103-121, 2006
Experimental hydroelastic characterization of slamming loaded marine panels
I Stenius, A Rosén, M Battley, T Allen
Ocean Engineering 74, 1-15, 2013
Time-domain simulations and full-scale trials on planing craft in waves
K Garme, A Rosén
International Shipbuilding Progress 50 (3), 177-208, 2003
Explicit FE-modelling of hydroelasticity in panel-water impacts
I Stenius, A Rosén, J Kuttenkeuler
International Shipbuilding Progress 54 (2-3), 111-127, 2007
Ship stability, dynamics and safety: Status and perspectives from a review of recent STAB conferences and ISSW events
I Bačkalov, G Bulian, J Cichowicz, E Eliopoulou, D Konovessis, ...
Ocean engineering 116, 312-349, 2016
On structural design of energy efficient small high-speed craft
I Stenius, A Rosén, J Kuttenkeuler
Marine Structures 24 (1), 43-59, 2011
Improvement of ship stability and safety in intact condition through operational measures: challenges and opportunities
I Bačkalov, G Bulian, A Rosén, V Shigunov, N Themelis
Ocean engineering 120, 353-361, 2016
CDIO standards 3.0–updates to the core CDIO standards
J Malmqvist, K Edström, A Rosén
16th International CDIO Conference, CDIO 2020Virtual, Online, 8-10 June 2020 …, 2020
An overview of the current research on stability of ships and ocean vehicles: The STAB2018 perspective
T Manderbacka, N Themelis, I Bačkalov, E Boulougouris, E Eliopoulou, ...
Ocean Engineering 186, 106090, 2019
On high-speed craft acceleration statistics
M Razola, K Olausson, K Garme, A Rosén
Ocean Engineering 114, 115-133, 2016
Model experiment addressing the impact pressure distribution on planing craft in waves
A Rosén, K Garme
International Journal of Small Craft Technology 146, 2004
Effects of panel stiffness on slamming responses of composite hull panels
M Battley, T Allen, P Pehrson, I Stenius, A Rosén
17th International conference on composite materials, ICCM17, Edinburgh …, 2009
Loads and responses for planing craft in waves
A Rosén
Farkost och flyg, 2004
A comparative study of deterministic and ensemble weather forecasts for weather routing
L Skoglund, J Kuttenkeuler, A Rosén, E Ovegård
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 20 (3), 429-441, 2015
Impact pressure distribution reconstruction from discrete point measurements
A Rosén
International Shipbuilding Progress 52 (1), 91-107, 2005
Numerical modelling of spray sheet deflection on planing hulls
L Olin, M Altimira, J Danielsson, A Rosén
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2017
Comparative life cycle assessment of the hull of a high-speed craft
M Burman, J Kuttenkeuler, I Stenius, K Garme, A Rosén
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of …, 2016
The CDIO syllabus 3.0-an updated statement of goals
J Malmqvist, U Lundqvist, A Rosén, K Edström
18th International CDIO Conference, June 13-15 2022, Reykjavik, 2022
Full-scale design evaluation of the Visby class corvette
A Rosén, K Garme, J Kuttenkeuler
9th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST'07. Shanghai …, 2007
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مقاله‌ها 1–20