دنبال کردن
Fabiola López Barrera
Fabiola López Barrera
Investigadora INECOL Instituto de Ecología, A.C.
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نقل شده توسط
Estructura y función en bordes de bosques
F López-Barrera
Ecosistemas 13 (1), 2004
Abundance responses of frugivorous bats (Stenodermatinae) to coffee cultivation and selective logging practices in mountainous central Veracruz, Mexico
RA Saldana-Vázquez, VJ Sosa, JR Hernández-Montero, F López-Barrera
Biodiversity and Conservation 19, 2111-2124, 2010
Amphibian species and functional diversity as indicators of restoration success in tropical montane forest
JM Díaz-García, E Pineda, F López-Barrera, CE Moreno
Biodiversity and Conservation 26, 2569-2589, 2017
Effects of the type of montane forest edge on oak seedling establishment along forest–edge–exterior gradients
F López-Barrera, RH Manson, M González-Espinosa, AC Newton
Forest Ecology and Management 225 (1-3), 234-244, 2006
Active versus passive restoration: Recovery of cloud forest structure, diversity and soil condition in abandoned pastures
AL Trujillo-Miranda, T Toledo-Aceves, F López-Barrera, ...
Ecological Engineering 117, 50-61, 2018
Edge effects in a tropical montane forest mosaic: experimental tests of post-dispersal acorn removal
F Lopez-Barrera, A Newton, R Manson
Ecological Research 20, 31-40, 2005
Early seedling establishment of two tropical montane cloud forest tree species: The role of native and exotic grasses
A Ortega-Pieck, F López-Barrera, N Ramírez-Marcial, JG García-Franco
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (7), 1336-1343, 2011
Estudios de la biodiversidad en cafetales
RH Manson, A Contreras, F López-Barrera
Agrosistemas cafetaleros de Veracruz: biodiversidad, manejo y conservación, 1-14, 2008
Toward integrated analysis of human impacts on forest biodiversity: lessons from Latin America
AC Newton, L Cayuela, C Echeverría, JJ Armesto, RF Del Castillo, ...
Ecology and Society 14 (2), 2009
Establishment, survival and growth of tree seedlings under successional montane oak forests in Chiapas, Mexico
N Ramírez-Marcial, A Camacho-Cruz, M González-Espinosa, ...
Ecology and conservation of Neotropical montane oak forests, 177-189, 2006
Effects of varying forest edge permeability on seed dispersal in a neotropical montane forest
F Lopez-Barrera, RH Manson, M González-Espinosa, AC Newton
Landscape Ecology 22, 189-203, 2007
Seedling establishment of Quercus insignis: A critically endangered oak tree species in southern Mexico
B Montes-Hernández, F López-Barrera
Forest Ecology and Management 310, 927-934, 2013
Edge type effect on germination of oak tree species in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico
F López-Barrera, A Newton
Forest Ecology and Management 217 (1), 67-79, 2005
Ecología de la restauración en México: estado actual y perspectivas
F López-Barrera, C Martínez-Garza, E Ceccon
Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 88, 97-112, 2017
Comparing the success of active and passive restoration in a tropical cloud forest landscape: A multi-taxa fauna approach
JM Díaz-García, F López-Barrera, E Pineda, T Toledo-Aceves, ...
PloS one 15 (11), e0242020, 2020
Influence of litter on emergence and early growth of Quercusrugosa: A laboratory study
F López-Barrera, M González-Espinosa
New Forests 21, 59-70, 2001
Towards an ecological restoration network: reversing land degradation in Latin America
JJ Armesto, S Bautista, E Del Val, B Ferguson, X García, A Gaxiola, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5 (4), 1-4, 2007
Coffee agrosystems: an important refuge for amphibians in central Veracruz, Mexico
R Murrieta-Galindo, A González-Romero, F López-Barrera, G Parra-Olea
Agroforestry systems 87, 767-779, 2013
Cost-efficiency analysis of seedling introduction vs. direct seeding of Oreomunnea mexicana for secondary forest enrichment
EJ Atondo-Bueno, M Bonilla-Moheno, F López-Barrera
Forest Ecology and Management 409, 399-406, 2018
Identifying deforestation attractors and patterns of fragmentation for seasonally dry tropical forest in central Veracruz, Mexico
F López-Barrera, RH Manson, R Landgrave
Land Use Policy 41, 274-283, 2014
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مقاله‌ها 1–20