دنبال کردن
Giuliano Lorenzetti
Giuliano Lorenzetti
رابطه نامشخص
ایمیل تأیید شده در ve.ismar.cnr.it
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Ship-wake induced sediment remobilization: Effects and proposed management strategies for the Venice Lagoon
J Rapaglia, L Zaggia, K Parnell, G Lorenzetti, AT Vafeidis
Ocean & Coastal Management 110, 1-11, 2015
Saltwater intrusion in a Mediterranean delta under a changing climate
D Bellafiore, C Ferrarin, F Maicu, G Manfè, G Lorenzetti, G Umgiesser, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (2), e2020JC016437, 2021
The effects of ship wakes in the Venice Lagoon and implications for the sustainability of shipping in coastal waters
GM Scarpa, L Zaggia, G Manfè, G Lorenzetti, K Parnell, T Soomere, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 19014, 2019
Fast shoreline erosion induced by ship wakes in a coastal lagoon: Field evidence and remote sensing analysis
L Zaggia, G Lorenzetti, G Manfé, GM Scarpa, E Molinaroli, KE Parnell, ...
PloS one 12 (10), e0187210, 2017
High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon
F Madricardo, F Foglini, A Kruss, C Ferrarin, NM Pizzeghello, C Murri, ...
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-14, 2017
Ship-induced solitary Riemann waves of depression in Venice Lagoon
KE Parnell, T Soomere, L Zaggia, A Rodin, G Lorenzetti, J Rapaglia, ...
Physics Letters A 379 (6), 555-559, 2015
Mapping turbidity patterns in the Po river prodelta using multi-temporal Landsat 8 imagery
F Braga, L Zaggia, D Bellafiore, M Bresciani, C Giardino, G Lorenzetti, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 198, 555-567, 2017
Cross-scale operational oceanography in the Adriatic Sea
C Ferrarin, S Davolio, D Bellafiore, M Ghezzo, F Maicu, W Mc Kiver, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 12 (2), 86-103, 2019
Modeling ship-induced waves in shallow water systems: The Venice experiment
D Bellafiore, L Zaggia, R Broglia, C Ferrarin, F Barbariol, S Zaghi, ...
Ocean Engineering 155, 227-239, 2018
Long-term groundwater dynamics in the coastal confined aquifers of Venice (Italy)
C Da Lio, L Tosi, G Zambon, A Vianello, G Baldin, G Lorenzetti, G Manfè, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 135, Pages 248-259, 2013
Marine Rapid Environmental Assessment in the Gulf of Taranto: a multiscale approach
N Pinardi, V Lyubartsev, N Cardellicchio, C Caporale, S Ciliberti, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (12), 2623-2639, 2016
Estuarine circulation in the Taranto Seas
FD Pascalis, A Petrizzo, M Ghezzo, G Lorenzetti, G Manfè, G Alabiso, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (13), 12515-12534, 2016
Hydrological regime and renewal capacity of the micro-tidal Lesina Lagoon, Italy
C Ferrarin, L Zaggia, E Paschini, T Scirocco, G Lorenzetti, M Bajo, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 37, 79-93, 2014
A coupled wave–3-D hydrodynamics model of the Taranto Sea (Italy): a multiple-nesting approach
MG Gaeta, AG Samaras, I Federico, R Archetti, F Maicu, G Lorenzetti
Natural hazards and earth system sciences 16 (9), 2071-2083, 2016
Tidal inlets in the Anthropocene: Geomorphology and benthic habitats of the Chioggia inlet, Venice Lagoon (Italy)
S Fogarin, F Madricardo, L Zaggia, M Sigovini, G Montereale‐Gavazzi, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (11), 2297-2315, 2019
Coastal mixing in multiple-mouth deltas: A case study in the Po delta, Italy
D Bellafiore, C Ferrarin, F Braga, L Zaggia, F Maicu, G Lorenzetti, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 226, 106254, 2019
Depression waves generated by large ships in the Venice Lagoon
KE Parnell, L Zaggia, T Soomere, G Lorenzetti, GM Scarpa
Journal of Coastal Research, 907-911, 2016
High resolution multibeam and hydrodynamic datasets of tidal channels and inlets of the Venice Lagoon, scientific data, 4, 170121
F Madricardo, F Foglini, A Kruss, C Ferrarin, NM Pizzeghello, C Murri, ...
Towards an integrated observational system to investigate sediment transport in the tidal inlets of the lagoon of venice
GM Scarpa, F Braga, G Manfè, G Lorenzetti, L Zaggia
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3371, 2022
Discussion concerning the current circulation along the Romanian Black Sea coast
Geo-Eco-Marina, 17-38, 2013
سیستم در حال حاضر قادر به انجام عملکرد نیست. بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید.
مقاله‌ها 1–20