Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Ignacio ViñalsMás información
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Bottleneck based front-end for diarization systems
I Viñals, J Villalba, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
International Conference on Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for …, 2016
Órdenes: European Commission, Gobierno de España
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Multiclass audio segmentation based on recurrent neural networks for broadcast domain data
P Gimeno, I Viñals, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2020, 1-19, 2020
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
Estimation of the Number of Speakers with Variational Bayesian PLDA in the DIHARD Diarization Challenge.
I Vinals, P Gimeno, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
Interspeech, 2803-2807, 2018
Órdenes: European Commission, Gobierno de España
Domain Adaptation of PLDA Models in Broadcast Diarization by Means of Unsupervised Speaker Clustering.
I Viñals, A Ortega, JAV López, A Miguel, E Lleida
INTERSPEECH, 2829-2833, 2017
Órdenes: European Commission, Gobierno de España
Phonetically-Aware Embeddings, Wide Residual Networks with Time-Delay Neural Networks and Self Attention Models for the 2018 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation.
I Viñals, D Ribas, V Mingote, J Llombart, P Gimeno, A Miguel, ...
Interspeech, 4310-4314, 2019
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
ViVoLAB Speaker Diarization System for the DIHARD 2019 Challenge.
I Viñals, P Gimeno, AO Giménez, A Miguel, E Lleida
INTERSPEECH, 988-992, 2019
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
In-domain Adaptation Solutions for the RTVE 2018 Diarization Challenge.
I Vinals, P Gimeno, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
IberSPEECH, 220-223, 2018
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
An analysis of the short utterance problem for speaker characterization
I Viñals, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
Applied Sciences 9 (18), 3697, 2019
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
A Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Audio Segmentation for Broadcast Domain Data.
P Gimeno, I Viñals, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
IberSPEECH, 87-91, 2018
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
ViVoLAB Multimodal Diarization System for RTVE 2020 Challenge
V Mingote, I Vinals, P Gimeno, A Miguel, A Ortega, E Lleida
Iberspeech, 76-80, 2021
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
Unsupervised adaptation of PLDA models for broadcast diarization
I Viñals, A Ortega, J Villalba, A Miguel, E Lleida
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 2019, 1-13, 2019
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
Multimodal diarization systems by training enrollment models as identity representations
V Mingote, I Viñals, P Gimeno, A Miguel, A Ortega, E Lleida
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1141, 2022
Órdenes: European Commission, Gobierno de España
The Domain Mismatch Problem in the Broadcast Speaker Attribution Task
I Viñals, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
Applied Sciences 11 (18), 8521, 2021
Órdenes: European Commission, Gobierno de España
Phonetic Variability Influence on Short Utterances in Speaker Verification.
I Viñals, A Ortega, A Miguel, E Lleida
IberSPEECH, 6-9, 2018
Órdenes: Gobierno de España
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