BZ Gbolo
BZ Gbolo
Professeur de Biologie, Université de Kinshasa
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Identification of potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease from Aloe vera compounds: A molecular docking study
PT Mpiana, DST Tshibangu, JT Kilembe, BZ Gbolo, DT Mwanangombo, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 754, 137751, 2020
Aloe vera (L.) Burm. F. as a potential anti-COVID-19 plant: a mini-review of its antiviral activity
PT Mpiana, KTN Ngbolua, DST Tshibangu, JT Kilembe, BZ Gbolo, ...
European Journal of Medicinal Plants 31 (8), 86-93, 2020
Ethno-pharmacological survey, in vitro anti-sickling and free radical scavenging activities of Carapa Procera DC. Stem bark (Meliaceae)
TD Tshibangu, KN Ngombe, EG Ekutsu, ZB Gbolo, NO Kabena
Nova 2 (2), 1-14, 2014
Microscopic features and chromatographic fingerprints of selected congolese medicinal plants: Aframomum alboviolaceum (Ridley) K. Schum, Annona senegalensis Pers. and Mondia …
CL Inkoto, GN Bongo, PM Kapepula, CA Masengo, BZ Gbolo, C Tshiama, ...
Emergent Life Sciences Research 4, 1-10, 2018
Ethno-pharmacological survey and Floristical study of some Medicinal Plants traditionally used to treat infectious and parasitic pathologies in the Democratic Republic of Congo
KN Ngbolua, PT Mpiana, V Mudogo, NK Ngombe, DST Tshibangu, ...
International Journal of Medicinal Plants 106, 454-467, 2014
In vitro antisickling and radical scavenging activities of a poly-herbal formula (Drepanoalpha®) in sickle cell erythrocyte and acute toxicity study in wistar albino rats.
KN Ngbolua, PT Mpiana, DST Tshibangu, PP Mazasa, BZ Gbolo, ...
A mini review on the phytochemistry, toxicology and antiviral activity of some medically interesting Zingiberaceae species
CM Mbadiko, CL Inkoto, BZ Gbolo, EM Lengbiye, JT Kilembe, A Matondo, ...
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 9 (4), 44-56, 2020
Possible effect of aromatic plants and essential oils against COVID-19: Review of their antiviral activity
DST Tshibangu, A Matondo, EM Lengbiye, CL Inkoto, EM Ngoyi, ...
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research 11 (1), 10-22, 2020
Ethno-botanical survey and Ecological study of some Medicinal plants species traditionally used in the District of Bas-Fleuve (Bas-Congo Province, Democratic republic of Congo)
KN Ngbolua, BM Benamambote, PT Mpiana, DM Muanda, E Ekutsu, ...
Research Journal of Chemistry 1 (2), 1-10, 2013
La filière bois-énergie et dégradation des écosystèmes forestiers en milieu périurbain: Enjeux et incidence sur les riverains de l’ile Mbiye à Kisangani (République …
JK Kambale, FM Feza, JM Tsongo, JA Asimonyio, S Mapeta, H Nshimba, ...
International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research 21 (1), 51-60, 2016
Justicia secunda Vahl species: Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Future Directions: a mini-review
JM Kitadi, EM Lengbiye, BZ Gbolo, CL Inkoto, CL Muanyishay, ...
Discovery Phytomedicine 6 (4), 157-158171, 2019
Oleanolic acid, ursolic acid and apigenin from Ocimum basilicum as potential inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease: A molecular docking study
A Matondo, JT Kilembe, EM Ngoyi, CN Kabengele, GN Kasiama, ...
Int J Pathog Res 6 (2), 1-16, 2021
Ocimum species as potential bioresources against COVID-19: a review of their phytochemistry and antiviral activity
DD Tshilanda, EM Ngoyi, CN Kabengele, A Matondo, GN Bongo, ...
Int. J. Pathog. Res 5 (4), 42-54, 2020
Review on ethno-botany, virucidal activity, phytochemistry and toxicology of solanumgenus: potential bio-resources for the therapeutic management of covid-19
GN Bongo, CM Mutunda, CL Inkoto, CM Mbadiko, E Lengbiye, ...
Eur J Nutrit Food Safety 12, 13, 2020
Antisickling activity and physico-chemical stability of anthocyanin extracts from Hypoxis angustifolia Lam.(Hypoxidaceae) bulbs. M. Noboru
PT Mpiana, FM Misakabu, JM Kitadi, KN Ngbolua, DST Tshibangu, ...
Anthocyanins: Occurrence, structure, biosynthesis and health benefits based …, 2014
Facing COVID-19 via anti-inflammatory mechanism of action: Molecular docking and Pharmacokinetic studies of six anti-inflammatory compounds derived from Passiflora edulis
A Matondo, JT Kilembe, DT Mwanangombo, BM Nsimba, BZ Gbolo, ...
Étude de l’activité antifalcemiante et de la thermo-et photo-dégradation des anthocyanes de Centella asiatica, Thomandersia hensii et Maesopsis eminii
PM Yuma, PT Mpiana, MT Bokota, IB Wakenge, CL Muanishay, BZ Gbolo, ...
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 (5), 1892-1901, 2013
Biodiversité des rongeurs et Soricomorphes de champs de cultures mixtes de la région de Kisangani, République Démocratique du Congo
FM Masudi, A Dudu, G Katuala, JA Asimonyio, PK Museu, BZ Gbolo, ...
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 14 (2), 327-339, 2016
Antiviral activity, phytochemistry and toxicology of some medically interesting Allium species: A mini review
EM Lengbiye, CM Mbadiko, CM Falanga, A Matondo, CL Inkoto, ...
International Journal of Pathogen Research 5 (4), 64-77, 2020
Microscopy features, Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Mondia whitei L
KN Ngbolua, CL Inkoto, GN Bongo, GL Lufuluabo, NN Kutshi, ...
Hook F.)(Apocynaceae): A mini-review, 34-42, 2018
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