Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - betti bollòMás información
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Analysis of low Reynolds number flow around a heated circular cylinder
L Baranyi, S Szabó, B Bolló, R Bordás
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23, 1829-1834, 2009
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Examination of a failure detected in the convection zone of a cracking furnace
V Mertinger, M Benke, S Szabó, O Bánhidi, B Bolló, Á Kovács
Engineering Failure Analysis 18 (7), 1675-1682, 2011
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Flow around an oscillating or orbiting cylinder–comparative numerical investigation
B Bolló, L Baranyi
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Simulation of low-Reynolds number flow around an oscillated cylinder using two computational methods
L Baranyi, B Bollo´, L Daro´ czy
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 44540, 309-317, 2011
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Thermal Analysis of a Simplified Railway Brake Model with Numerical Simulation
B Bolló, F Sarka, K Voith, C Felhő
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering 53 (1), 1-6, 2025
Órdenes: European Commission
Three-Dimensional Computations for Low-Reynolds Number Flows Past a Cylinder
B Bolló, G Janiga, L Baranyi
Proc. 25th microCAD Internation Scientific Conference”, Section N, Paper, 2012
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Theoretical and parametric investigation of an automobile radiator
M Petrik, G Szepesi, K Jármai, B Bolló
Vehicle and Automotive Engineering: Proceedings of the JK2016, Miskolc …, 2017
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Numerical simulation of oscillatory flow past and heat transfer from a cyllinder
B Bolló, L Baranyi
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Heat and energy transfer from a cylinder placed in an oscillatory low-Reynolds number flow
B Bolló, L Baranyi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2012
Órdenes: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
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