Pedro Montero Vilar
Pedro Montero Vilar
Xefe de Unidade, INTECMAR
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Improvement of pollutant drift forecast system applied to the Prestige oil spills in Galicia Coast (NW of Spain): Development of an operational system
P Carracedo, S Torres-López, M Barreiro, P Montero, CF Balseiro, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 53 (5-7), 350-360, 2006
A two-dimensional particle tracking model for pollution dispersion in A Coruña and Vigo Rias (NW Spain)
M Gomez-Gesteira, P Montero, R Prego, JJ Taboada, P Leitao, ...
Oceanologica Acta 22 (2), 167-177, 1999
Evaluation of the seasonal variations in the residual circulation in the Rıa of Vigo (NW Spain) by means of a 3D Baroclinic model
JJ Taboada, R Prego, M Ruiz-Villarreal, M Gómez-Gesteira, P Montero, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 47 (5), 661-670, 1998
Hydrodynamic model study of the Ria de Pontevedra under estuarine conditions
M Ruiz-Villarreal, P Montero, JJ Taboada, R Prego, PC Leitao, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54 (1), 101-113, 2002
Wind and tidal influence on water circulation in a Galician ria (NW Spain)
M DeCastro, M Gómez-Gesteira, R Prego, JJ Taboada, P Montero, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 51 (2), 161-176, 2000
Hydrography of the Pontevedra Ria: Intra‐annual spatial and temporal variability in a Galician coastal system (NW Spain)
R Prego, AW Dale, M Decastro, M Gómez‐Gesteira, JJ Taboada, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 106 (C9), 19845-19857, 2001
Horizontal Lagrangian transport in a tidal-driven estuary—Transport barriers attached to prominent coastal boundaries
F Huhn, A von Kameke, S Allen-Perkins, P Montero, A Venancio, ...
Continental Shelf Research 39, 1-13, 2012
Oil spill monitoring and forecasting on the Prestige-Nassau accident
P Montero, J Blanco, JM Cabanas, P Montero, CF Balseiro, P Carracedo, ...
Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program Technical Seminar 2, 1013-1030, 2003
Tracking the prestige oil spill: An operational experience in simulation at
C Balseiro, P Carracedo, B Goīmez, PC Leitao, P Montero, L Naranjo, ...
Weather 58, 452-458, 2003
On residual circulation of the Ria of Vigo, using a 3-D baroclinic model
P Montero, M Gómez-Gesteira, JJ Taboada, M Ruiz-Villarreal, ...
Instituto Español de Oceanografía, 1999
Modeling dispersal of UV filters in estuaries
D Lindo-Atichati, P Montero, R Rodil, JB Quintana, M Miró
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (3), 1353-1363, 2019
Aplicación de un modelo 2D al transporte de partículas en la Bahía de La Coruña
P Montero, R Prego, M Gómez-Gesteira, R Neves, JJ Taboada, ...
Diputación Provincial de Pontevedra, 1997
Response of a global atmospheric circulation model to spatio-temporal stochastic forcing: ensemble statistics
V Pérez-Muñuzuri, MN Lorenzo, P Montero, K Fraedrich, E Kirk, F Lunkeit
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 10 (6), 453-461, 2003
The high-frequency coastal radar network operated by puertos del estado (Spain): Roadmap to a fully operational implementation
P Lorente, SP Varela, J Soto-Navarro, MI Ruiz, E Álvarez-Fanjul, ...
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 42 (1), 56-72, 2016
Emergency activities support by an operational forecast system–The Prestige accident
JC Leitão, PC Leitao, F Braunschweig, R Fernandes, RJJ Neves, ...
4th Seminar of the Marine Environment, Rio de Janeiro, 2003
Estudio de las condiciones meteorológicas anómalas sobre Galicia durante el otono de los anos 2000 y 2001
L Naranjo, JJ Taboada, A Lage, S Salsón, P Montero, JA Souto, ...
Estudio de la hidrodinámica de la Ría de Vigo mediante un modelo de volúmenes finitos
PM Vilar
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1999
ARCOPOLplatform. Protecting the Atlantic European coast from maritime pollution
P Pérez, ML Fernández, G Ayensa, P Montero, L Navarro, F Kirby12, ...
Interspill 2015 Conference Proceedings, 2015
Modelling the oil spill track from Prestige-Nassau accident
P Montero, P Leitao, E Penabad, CF Balseiro, P Carracedo, ...
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 12647, 2003
Surface transport in the Ria de Vigo-Transport barriers in a tidal estuary with a complex geometry
F Huhn, A von Kameke, P Montero, S Allen-Perkins, A Venancio, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4460, 2012
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