Marcos Dósea
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Citado por
On the impact of aspectual decompositions on design stability: An empirical study
P Greenwood, T Bartolomei, E Figueiredo, M Dosea, A Garcia, N Cacho, ...
ECOOP 2007–Object-Oriented Programming: 21st European Conference, Berlin …, 2007
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG antibodies in an asymptomatic population in Sergipe, Brazil
LP Borges, AF Martins, MS de Melo, MGB de Oliveira, ...
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 44, e108, 2020
Using a virtual patient system for the teaching of pharmaceutical care
E Menendez, B Balisa-Rocha, M Jabbur-Lopes, W Costa, JR Nascimento, ...
International journal of medical informatics 84 (9), 640-646, 2015
On the contributions of an end-to-end aosd testbed
P Greenwood, A Garcia, A Rashid, E Figueiredo, C Sant'Anna, N Cacho, ...
Early Aspects at ICSE: Workshops in Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering …, 2007
Semantic dependencies and modularity of aspect-oriented software
AC Neto, M de Medeiros Ribeiro, M Dósea, R Bonifácio, P Borba, ...
First International Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization …, 2007
Using virtual patient software to improve pharmacy students’ knowledge of and attitudes toward geriatric patients
DT da Silva, AM Pereira, ROS Silva, AS Menéndez, C Dos Santos, ...
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 84 (5), 7230, 2020
Tao: A testbed for aspect oriented software development
P Greenwood, T Bartolomei, E Magno, U Kulesza, S Soares, N Cacho, ...
Analyzing class and crosscutting modularity with design structure matrixes
M de Medeiros Ribeiro, M Dósea, R Bonifácio, AC Neto, P Borba, ...
Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), 167-181, 2007
Adaptive Mean-Linkage with Penalty: A new algorithm for cluster analysis
M Dósea, L Silva, MA Silva, SCH Cavalcanti
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 94 (1), 1-8, 2008
How do design decisions affect the distribution of software metrics?
M Dósea, C Sant'Anna, BC da Silva
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Program Comprehension, 74-85, 2018
Specifying design rules in aspect-oriented systems
M Dósea, A Costa Neto, P Borba, S Soares
A Survey of Software Code Review Practices in Brazil
M Dosea, C Sant'Anna, Y Oliveira, MC Junior
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.14276, 2020
A system to help the teaching of pharmaceutical care
W Costa, JR Nascimento, E Menendez, M Dósea, L Silva, M Jabbur, ...
Proceedings of the 6th Euro American Conference on Telematics and …, 2012
Uma proposta de um sistema para o ensino de habilidades de comunicação e conhecimentos farmacoterapêuticos
JR Nascimento, W Costa, M Dósea, L Silva, M Jabbur, DL Junior
Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde (SBCAS), 1576-1579, 2010
Explorando algoritmos hierárquicos e nãohierárquicos na construção de uma ferramenta de auxílio à pesquisa de fitoterápicos
M Dósea, L Silva, S Cavalcanti
REIC. Revista eletrônica de iniciação científica, Rio Grande do Sul 3, 10, 2005
Minerando Motivações para Aplicação de Extract Method: Um Estudo Preliminar
J Henrique, M Dósea, C Sant’Anna
Workshop de Visualização, Evolução e Manutenção de Software (VEM), 21-25, 2021
Uma abordagem modular para projeto de software orientado a aspectos
MB Dósea
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2008
On the contributions of an end-to-end AOSD testbed 1
P Greenwood, A Garcia, A Rashid, E Figueiredo, C Sant'Anna, N Cacho, ...
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2007, 2007
ChemoTax: A Tool to Support Phytotherapics Research Based on Chemotaxonomy.
M Dósea, M Silva, L Silva, S Cavalcanti
WOB, 113-116, 2004
Design-sensitive metric thresholds based on design roles
MB Dósea, CN SantAnna
Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2021
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Artículos 1–20