Interaction between electromagnetic field and CFRP materials: a new multiscale homogenization approach G Wasselynck, D Trichet, B Ramdane, J Fouldagar
IEEE transactions on magnetics 46 (8), 3277-3280, 2010
62 2010 Microscopic and macroscopic electromagnetic and thermal modeling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites G Wasselynck, D Trichet, B Ramdane, J Fouladgar
IEEE transactions on magnetics 47 (5), 1114-1117, 2010
59 2010 3-D Numerical Modeling of AC Losses in Multifilamentary MgB2 Wires G Escamez, F Sirois, V Lahtinen, A Stenvall, A Badel, P Tixador, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 (3), 1-7, 2016
33 2016 3-D modeling of thermo inductive non destructive testing method applied to multilayer composite HK Bui, G Wasselynck, D Trichet, B Ramdane, G Berthiau, J Fouladgar
IEEE transactions on magnetics 49 (5), 1949-1952, 2013
30 2013 Modeling of ‘quench’or the occurrence and propagation of dissipative zones in REBCO high temperature superconducting coils A Badel, B Rozier, B Ramdane, G Meunier, P Tixador
Superconductor Science and Technology 32 (9), 094001, 2019
28 2019 Benchmark on the 3D numerical modeling of a superconducting bulk K Berger, L Quéval, A Kameni, L Alloui, B Ramdane, F Trillaud, LM Hell, ...
27 2016 Computational performances of natural element and finite element methods Y Marechal, B Ramdane, DP Botelho
IEEE transactions on magnetics 50 (2), 405-408, 2014
21 2014 Non linear homogenization for calculation of electromagnetic properties of soft magnetic composite materials M Belkadi, B Ramdane, D Trichet, J Fouladgar
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45 (10), 4317-4320, 2009
21 2009 Electromagnetic scattering analysis of arbitrary structures by the natural element method coupled with absorbing boundary condition MM Afonso, B Ramdane, Y Marechal, B Delinchant, MA Schroeder, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (3), 1-4, 2015
19 2015 Contribution à la modélisation tridimensionnelle de la technique thermo-inductive de contrôle non destructif : développement d'un outil de conception, d'analyse et d'aide à la … B RAMDANE
Nantes university, 2009
19 2009 Electromagnetic and thermal modeling of composite materials using multilayer shell elements B Ramdane, D Trichet, M Belkadi, T Saidi, J Fouladgar
IEEE transactions on magnetics 47 (5), 1134-1137, 2010
15 2010 Calculation of the local current density in high-temperature superconducting insulated rare earth–barium–copper oxide coils using a volume integral formulation and its … R Blandine, B Arnaud, R Brahim, M Gérard
Superconductor Science and Technology 32 (4), 044008, 2019
14 2019 Numerical Impact of Using Different – Relationships for 3-D Simulations of AC Losses in MgB2 Superconducting Wires G Escamez, F Sirois, A Badel, G Meunier, B Ramdane, P Tixador
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (3), 1-4, 2015
14 2015 3-D numerical modeling of the thermo-inductive technique using shell elements B Ramdane, D Trichet, M Belkadi, J Fouladgar
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46 (8), 3037-3040, 2010
14 2010 Computations of Source for Non-Meshed Coils With A– Formulation Using Edge Elements P Ferrouillat, C Guérin, G Meunier, B Ramdane, P Labie, D Dupuy
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51 (3), 1-4, 2015
12 2015 Natural element method applied to electromagnetic problems Y Maréchal, B Ramdane
IEEE transactions on magnetics 49 (5), 1713-1716, 2013
11 2013 Numerical modelling of AC hysteresis losses in HTS tubes G Escamez, A Badel, P Tixador, B Ramdane, G Meunier, A Allais, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 25 (3), 1-5, 2014
10 2014 Time-domain finite-element eddy-current homogenization of windings using foster networks and recursive convolution CA Valdivieso, G Meunier, B Ramdane, J Gyselinck, C Guerin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 56 (12), 1-8, 2020
9 2020 Time-domain homogenization of foil windings in 2-D axisymmetric finite-element models CA Valdivieso, G Meunier, B Ramdane, J Gyselinck, C Guerin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 36 (3), 1264-1269, 2020
9 2020 Periodic boundary conditions in the natural element method BMF Gonçalves, MM Afonso, EHR Coppoli, MAO Schroeder, RS Alípio, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52 (3), 1-4, 2015
9 2015