Maria Jose Bosch
Maria Jose Bosch
Otros nombresCote Bosch
ESE Business School, Universidad de los Andes, Chile
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Serving followers and family? A trickle-down model of how servant leadership shapes employee work performance
J Stollberger, M Las Heras, Y Rofcanin, MJ Bosch
Journal of Vocational Behavior 112, 158-171, 2019
Seeking an “i-deal” balance: Schedule-flexibility i-deals as mediating mechanisms between supervisor emotional support and employee work and home performance
CM Kelly, Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, C Ogbonnaya, E Marescaux, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 118, 103369, 2020
How context matters: The relationship between family supportive supervisor behaviours and motivation to work moderated by gender inequality
MJ Bosch, M Las Heras, M Russo, Y Rofcanin, MG i Grau
Journal of Business Research 82, 46-55, 2018
Sequential mediation among family friendly culture and outcomes
M Las Heras, MJ Bosch, AML Raes
Journal of Business Research 68 (11), 2366-2373, 2015
When employees and supervisors (do not) see eye to eye on family supportive supervisor behaviours: The role of segmentation desire and work-family culture
E Marescaux, Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, R Ilies, MJ Bosch
Journal of Vocational Behavior 121, 103471, 2020
Servant leadership and family supportiveness: Looking into employees’ work and family outcomes
Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, MJ Bosch, A Berber, F Mughal, M Ozturk
Journal of Business Research 128, 70-82, 2021
How do weekly obtained task i-deals improve work performance? The role of relational context and structural job resources
Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, M Jose Bosch, J Stollberger, M Mayer
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30 (4), 555-565, 2021
Multicultural validation of a three-dimensional framework of managerial competencies: A comparative analysis of its application in Asian versus non-Asian countries
MJ Bosch, Y Lee, P Cardona
Asian Business & Management 12, 433-453, 2013
The impact of different forms of organisational support and work–life balance in Chile and Colombia
S Idrovo, MJ Bosch
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 32 (3), 326-344, 2019
Family motivation of supervisors: Exploring the impact on subordinates’ work performance via family supportive supervisor behaviors and work–family balance satisfaction
DT Erdogan, ML Heras, Y Rofcanin, MJ Bosch, J Stollberger
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 52 (12), 1179-1195, 2022
Flexibility I-deals and prosocial motives: A trickle-down perspective
D Taser, Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, MJ Bosch
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (21), 4334-4359, 2022
A closer look at the positive crossover between supervisors and subordinates: The role of home and work engagement
Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, MJ Bosch, G Wood, F Mughal
Human Relations 72 (11), 1776-1804, 2019
The tone at the top: A trickle-down model of how manager anger relates to employee moral behaviour
J Stollberger, M Jose Bosch, M Las Heras, Y Rofcanin, P Daher
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 29 (6), 907-921, 2020
Responsabilidad familiar corporativa
N Chinchilla, E Jiménez
Harvard Deutos Review, 50-59, 2013
Estudio percepciones y prácticas de conciliación y corresponsabilidad en organizaciones públicas y privadas
M Bosch, V Cano, M Riumalló, C Tarud
Recuperado de http://www. ese. cl/publi-caciones/estudio-percepciones-y …, 2014
Engagement laboral: el compromiso como recurso
M Bosch, M Riumalló, M Morgado
Centro de trabajo y familia 8, 2021
A closer look to millennials in Chile: How they perceive the new i-deal worker
MJ Bosch, T Hernández
The new ideal worker: Organizations between work-life balance, gender and …, 2019
Family‐supportive supervisor behaviours: The role of relational resources in work and home domains
C Ererdi, Y Rofcanin, M Las Heras, M Barraza, S Wang, A Bakker, ...
European Management Review 21 (1), 220-236, 2024
Macroeconomía y conciliación familiar: el impacto económico de los jardines infantiles
MJ Bosch, CJ García, M Manríquez, G Valenzuela
El trimestre económico 85 (339), 543-582, 2018
Lenguaje y género." Infirmitas sexus"
MJB Bosch
No tan lejano: una visión de la mujer romana a través de temas de actualidad …, 2018
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Artículos 1–20