MCNP users manual-code version 6.2 CJ Werner Los Alamos national laboratory 746, 2017 | 967 | 2017 |
MCNP6. 2 release notes CJ Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon, FB Brown, GW McKinney, ME Rising, ... Los Alamos National Laboratory, report LA-UR-18-20808, 2018 | 400 | 2018 |
MCNP version 6.2 release notes CJ Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon, FB Brown, GW McKinney, ME Rising, ... Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2018 | 266 | 2018 |
Two-dimensional simulations of thermonuclear burn in ignition-scale inertial confinement fusion targets under compressed axial magnetic fields LJ Perkins, BG Logan, GB Zimmerman, CJ Werner Physics of Plasmas 20 (7), 2013 | 127 | 2013 |
MCNP user’s manual CJ Werner Code version 6, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
MCNP version 6.2 release notes (No. LA-UR-18-20808) CJ Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon, FB Brown, GW McKinney, ME Rising, ... Los Alamos, NM, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
Neutron total cross-section measurements and resonance parameter analysis of holmium, thulium, and erbium from 0.001 to 20 eV Y Danon, CJ Werner, G Youk, RC Block, RE Slovacek, NC Francis, ... Nuclear science and engineering 128 (1), 61-69, 1998 | 33 | 1998 |
Neutron capture and total cross-section measurements and resonance parameter analysis of zirconium up to 2.5 keV G Leinweber, J Burke, CR Lubitz, HD Knox, NJ Drindak, RC Block, ... Nuclear science and engineering 134 (1), 50-67, 2000 | 26 | 2000 |
Simulation of delayed neutrons using MCNP CJ Werner Progress in Nuclear Energy 41 (1-4), 385-389, 2002 | 21 | 2002 |
Neutron cross-section measurements at the Rensselaer LINAC RE Slovacek, RC Block, Y Danon, C Werner, GU Youk, JA Burke, ... Proc. Topl. Mtg. Advances in Reactor Physics 2, 193, 1994 | 21 | 1994 |
MCNP® User’s Manual. Code Version 6.2 J Armstrong, FB Brown, JS Bull, L Casswell, LJ Cox, D Dixon, RA Forster, ... Los Alamos National Security LLC: Los Alamos, NM, USA, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Neutron capture and transmission measurements and resonance parameter analysis of samarium G Leinweber, JA Burke, HD Knox, NJ Drindak, DW Mesh, WT Haines, ... Nuclear science and engineering 142 (1), 1-21, 2002 | 17 | 2002 |
MCNP users manual-code version 6.2, 2017 CJ Werner Los Alamos National Security, LLC, 0 | 16 | |
MCNP User's Manual Code Version 6.2. Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech. Rep CJ Werner, JC Armstrong, FB Brown, JS Bull, L Casswell, LJ Cox, ... LA-UR-17-29981. Los Alamos, NM, USA, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
MCNP Version 6.2 CJ Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon, FB Brown, GW McKinney, ME Rising, ... Los alamos. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Neutron capture and transmission measurements and resonance parameter analysis of niobium NJ Drindak, JA Burke, G Leinweber, JA Helm, JG Hoole, RC Block, ... Nuclear science and engineering 154 (3), 294-301, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |
MCNP User’s Manual Code Version 6.2: Tech. Rep. LA-UR-17-29981 CJ Werner, JC Armstrong, FB Brown, JS Bull, L Casswell, LJ Cox, ... Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM, USA, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
MCNP User’s manual code version 6.2. Los Alamos (NM): Los Alamos National Laboratory; 2017 CJ Werner LAUR1729981. LAUR1729981, 0 | 8 | |
MCNP version 6.2 release notes. No C Werner, JS Bull, CJ Solomon LA-UR-18-20808. Los Alomos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM …, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
New data library for MCNP delayed neutron capability CJ Werner Los Alamos National Laboratory, Memorandum XCI: CJW-99-25, 1999 | 6 | 1999 |