Leonardo Colombo
Leonardo Colombo
Centre for Automation and Robotics CSIC-UPM
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Higher-order variational problems on Lie groups and optimal control applications
L Colombo, DM de Diego
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 6 (4), 451-478, 2014
Optimal control of underactuated mechanical systems: A geometric approach
L Colombo, D Martín De Diego, M Zuccalli
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (8), 2010
Dynamic interpolation for obstacle avoidance on Riemannian manifolds
A Bloch, M Camarinha, LJ Colombo
International Journal of Control 94 (3), 588-600, 2021
Geometric integrators for higher-order variational systems and their application to optimal control
L Colombo, S Ferraro, D Martin de Diego
Journal of Nonlinear Science 26, 1615-1650, 2016
A geometric approach to the optimal control of nonholonomic mechanical systems
A Bloch, L Colombo, R Gupta, DM De Diego
Analysis and geometry in control theory and its applications, 35-64, 2015
Variational obstacle avoidance problem on Riemannian manifolds
A Bloch, M Camarinha, L Colombo
Decision and Control (CDC), 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on., 145-150, 2017
Geometric Hamilton–Jacobi theory for higher-order autonomous systems
L Colombo, M De León, PD Prieto-Martínez, N Román-Roy
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (23), 235203, 2014
Higher-order discrete variational problems with constraints
L Colombo, D Martín de Diego, M Zuccalli
Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (9), 2013
Variational point-obstacle avoidance on Riemannian manifolds
A Bloch, M Camarinha, L Colombo
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 33, 109–121, 2021
Variational collision avoidance problems on Riemannian manifolds
M Assif, R Banavar, A Bloch, M Camarinha, L Colombo
2018 IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 2791-2796, 2018
Discrete second-order Euler–Poincaré equations: applications to optimal control
L Colombo, F Jiménez, DM De Diego
international Journal of Geometric methods in modern physics 9 (04), 1250037, 2012
Geometric control for load transportation with quadrotor uavs by elastic cables
JR Goodman, T Beckers, LJ Colombo
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (6), 2848-2862, 2023
Motion feasibility conditions for multiagent control systems on Lie groups
LJ Colombo, DV Dimarogonas
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 7 (1), 493-502, 2019
Geometric Control of two Quadrotors Carrying a Rigid Rod with Elastic Cables
JR Goodman, LJ Colombo
Journal of Nonlinear Science 32, 2022
Variational integrators for underactuated mechanical control systems with symmetries
L Colombo, F Jiménez, DM de Diego
Journal of Computational Dynamics 2 (2), 193-225, 2015
Collision avoidance of multiagent systems on Riemannian manifolds
JR Goodman, LJ Colombo
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 60 (1), 168-188, 2022
On the Existence and Uniqueness of Poincaré Maps for Systems with Impulse Effects
J Goodman, L Colombo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (4), 1815-1821, 2020
Second-order constrained variational problems on Lie algebroids: applications to optimal control
L Colombo
Jornal of Geometric Mechanics 9 (1), 1-45, 2017
Symmetry reduction in optimal control of multiagent systems on Lie groups
LJ Colombo, DV Dimarogonas
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (11), 4973-4980, 2020
Variational collision and obstacle avoidance of multi-agent systems on Riemannian manifolds
RS Chandrasekaran, LJ Colombo, M Camarinha, R Banavar, A Bloch
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 1689-1694, 2020
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