Amy Koerber
Amy Koerber
Professor and Associate Dean, College of Media and Communication, Texas Tech University
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Qualitative sampling methods: A primer for technical communicators
A Koerber, L McMichael
Journal of business and technical communication 22 (4), 454-473, 2008
Using NVivo to answer the challenges of qualitative research in professional communication: Benefits and best practices tutorial
RS Hoover, AL Koerber
IEEE transactions on Professional Communication 54 (1), 68-82, 2009
Rhetorical agency, resistance, and the disciplinary rhetorics of breastfeeding
A Koerber
Technical Communication Quarterly 15 (1), 87-101, 2006
Breast or bottle?: Contemporary controversies in infant-feeding policy and practice
A Koerber
Univ of South Carolina Press, 2013
From hysteria to hormones: A rhetorical history
A Koerber
Penn State Press, 2018
#MeToo Goes Global: Media Framing of Silence Breakers in Four National Settings
P Starkey, Koerber, Sternadori
Journal of Communication Inquiry 43 (4), 437-461, 2019
Toward a feminist rhetoric of technology
A Koerber
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 14 (1), 58-73, 2000
Postmodernism, resistance, and cyberspace: Making rhetorical spaces for feminist mothers on the web
A Koerber
Women's Studies in communication 24 (2), 218-240, 2001
A qualitative content analysis of watchlists vs safelists: How do they address the issue of predatory publishing?
A Koerber, JC Starkey, K Ardon-Dryer, RG Cummins, L Eko, KF Kee
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 46 (6), 102236, 2020
Is it fake news or is it open science? Science communication in the COVID-19 pandemic
A Koerber
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 35 (1), 22-27, 2021
Listening to students: A usability evaluation of instructor commentary
B Still, A Koerber
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24 (2), 206-233, 2010
Impact of misinformation from generative AI on user information processing: How people understand misinformation from generative AI
D Shin, A Koerber, JS Lim
New Media & Society, 14614448241234040, 2024
Breastfeeding and problematic integration: Results of a focus-group study
A Koerber, L Brice, E Tombs
Health Communication 27 (2), 124-144, 2012
Guest editors' introduction: Online health communication
A Koerber, B Still
Technical Communication Quarterly 17 (3), 259-263, 2008
“You Just Don’t See Enough Normal” Critical Perspectives on Infant-Feeding Discourse and Practice
A Koerber
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 19 (3), 304-327, 2005
Distortion and the politics of pain relief: A Habermasian analysis of medicine in the media
A Koerber, EJ Arnett, T Cumbie
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22 (3), 364-391, 2008
From folklore to fact: the rhetorical history of breastfeeding and immunity, 1950–1997
A Koerber
Journal of Medical Humanities 27, 151-166, 2006
IRB problems and solutions in health communication research
CST King, KM Bivens, E Pumroy, S Rauch, A Koerber
Health Communication 33 (7), 907-916, 2018
Theorizing the value of English proficiency in cross-cultural rhetorics of health and medicine: A qualitative study
A Koerber, H Graham
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 31 (1), 63-93, 2017
From hysteria to hormones and back again: Centuries of outrageous remarks about female biology
A Koerber
Rhetoric of Health & Medicine 1 (1), 179-192, 2018
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Artículos 1–20