Tree species distributions and local habitat variation in the Amazon: large forest plot in eastern Ecuador R Valencia, RB Foster, G Villa, R Condit, JC Svenning, C Hernández, ... Journal of ecology 92 (2), 214-229, 2004 | 770 | 2004 |
Distribución espacial, sistemas ecológicos y caracterización florística de los páramos en el Ecuador K Beltrán, S Salgado, F Cuesta, S León-Yánez, K Romoleroux, E Ortiz, ... Ecociencia, Proyecto Páramo Andino y Herbario QCA., 2009 | 142 | 2009 |
Molecular phylogenetics of Alchemilla, Aphanes and Lachemilla (Rosaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear intron and spacer DNA sequences, with comments on generic classification B Gehrke, C Bräuchler, K Romoleroux, M Lundberg, G Heubl, T Eriksson Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 47 (3), 1030-1044, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Rosaceae K Romoleroux Libro rojo de las plantas endémicas del Ecuador. Segunda edición., 748-750, 2011 | 87* | 2011 |
Historic and recent fragmentation coupled with altitude affect the genetic population structure of one of the world's highest tropical tree line species I Hensen, A Cierjacks, H Hirsch, M Kessler, K Romoleroux, D Renison, ... Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (4), 455-464, 2012 | 75 | 2012 |
Yasuni forest dynamics plot, Ecuador R Valencia, R Condit, RB Foster, K Romoleroux, G Villa Munoz, ... Tropical forest diversity and dynamism: findings from a large-scale plot …, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |
Especies leñosas (dap> 1 cm) encontrados en dos hectáres de un bosque de la Amazonía ecuatoriana K Romoleroux, R Foster, R Valencia, R Condit, H Balslev, E Losos in R. Valencia & H. Balslev (eds.). Estudios sobre diversidad y ecología de …, 1997 | 57 | 1997 |
Low genetic variation and high differentiation across sky island populations of Lupinus alopecuroides (Fabaceae) in the northern Andes DLA Vásquez, H Balslev, MM Hansen, P Sklenář, K Romoleroux Alpine Botany 126, 135-142, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Rubus and vacciniaceous germplasm resources in the Andes of Ecuador JR Ballington, JL Luteyn, MM Thompson, K Romoleroux, R Castillo | 42 | 1993 |
Phylogeny and evolution of the neotropical radiation of Lachemilla (Rosaceae): uncovering a history of reticulate evolution and implications for infrageneric classification DF Morales-Briones, K Romoleroux, F Kolář, DC Tank Systematic Botany 43 (1), 17-34, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
Temperature microclimates of plants in a tropical alpine environment: How much does growth form matter? P Sklenář, A Kučerová, J Macková, K Romoleroux Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 48 (1), 61-78, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
flora of Ecuador K Romoleroux, E Forero, G Harling Balogh Scientific Books, 1996 | 34 | 1996 |
Distribution changes in páramo plants from the equatorial high Andes in response to increasing temperature and humidity variation since 1880 P Sklenář, K Romoleroux, P Muriel, R Jaramillo, A Bernardi, ... Alpine Botany 131 (2), 201-212, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
Growth form evolution and hybridization in Senecio (Asteraceae) from the high equatorial Andes E Dušková, P Sklenář, F Kolář, DLA Vásquez, K Romoleroux, T Fér, ... Ecology and Evolution 7 (16), 6455-6468, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Plantas vasculares de los bosques de polylepis en los páramos de Oyacachi KS Romoleroux | 26 | 2016 |
Rosaceae in the páramos of Ecuador K Romoleroux Paramo: an Andean ecosystem under human influence, 85-94, 1992 | 23 | 1992 |
Los páramos del Ecuador: Pasado, presente y futuro R Hofstede, P Mena, ES Robalino USFQ, 2023 | 19 | 2023 |
Trees of Amazonian Ecuador: a taxonomically verified species list with data on abundance and distribution JE Guevara Andino, NCA Pitman, C Ulloa Ulloa, K Romoleroux, ... Ecology 100 (12), e02894, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
The genus Lachemilla (Rosaceae) in the northern Andes of South America K Romoleroux Lyonia 7 (1), 21-32, 2004 | 17 | 2004 |
The discovery of a new species of Brunellia (Brunelliaceae) with ephemeral petals from Llanganates National Park, Ecuador CI Orozco, AJ Pérez, K Romoleroux, J Murillo Aldana Phytotaxa 311 (3), 263-269, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |