Dr. Shailendra kumar
Dr. Shailendra kumar
Project scientist at IISc
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Vertical structure of cumulonimbus towers and intense convective clouds over the South Asian region during the summer monsoon season
GS Bhat, S Kumar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (5), 1710-1722, 2015
Response of the WRF model to different resolutions in the rainfall forecast over the complex Peruvian orography
AS Moya-Álvarez, D Martínez-Castro, S Kumar, R Estevan, Y Silva
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137, 2993-3007, 2019
Extreme rainfall forecast with the WRF-ARW model in the Central Andes of Peru
AS Moya-Álvarez, J Gálvez, A Holguín, R Estevan, S Kumar, E Villalobos, ...
Atmosphere 9 (9), 362, 2018
Vertical structure of orographic precipitating clouds observed over south Asia during summer monsoon season
S Kumar, GS Bhat
Journal of Earth System Science 126, 1-12, 2017
Effect of the surface wind flow and topography on precipitating cloud systems over the Andes and associated Amazon basin: GPM observations
S Kumar, YS Vidal, AS Moya-Álvarez, D Martínez-Castro
Atmospheric Research 225, 193-208, 2019
The impact of microphysics parameterization in the simulation of two convective rainfall events over the central Andes of Peru using WRF-ARW
D Martínez-Castro, S Kumar, JL Flores Rojas, A Moya-Álvarez, ...
Atmosphere 10 (8), 442, 2019
Aerosol and urban land use effect on rainfall around cities in Indo‐Gangetic Basin from observations and cloud resolving model simulations
C Sarangi, SN Tripathi, Y Qian, S Kumar, L Ruby Leung
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (7), 3645-3667, 2018
A 10-year climatology of vertical properties of most active convective clouds over the Indian regions using TRMM PR
S Kumar
Theoretical and applied climatology 127, 429-440, 2017
Vertical profiles of radar reflectivity factor in intense convective clouds in the tropics
S Kumar, GS Bhat
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 55 (5), 1277-1286, 2016
Rainfall characteristics in the Mantaro basin over tropical Andes from a vertically pointed profile rain radar and in-situ field campaign
S Kumar, CD Castillo-Velarde, JM Valdivia Prado, JL Flores Rojas, ...
Atmosphere 11 (3), 248, 2020
Seasonal and regional differences in extreme rainfall events and their contribution to the world’s precipitation: GPM observations
S Kumar, Y Silva, AS Moya-Alvarez, D Martínez-Castro
Advances in Meteorology 2019 (1), 4631609, 2019
Influence of PBL parameterization schemes in WRF_ARW model on short-range precipitation's forecasts in the complex orography of Peruvian Central Andes
AS Moya-Álvarez, R Estevan, S Kumar, JLF Rojas, JJ Ticse, ...
Atmospheric Research 233, 104708, 2020
Analysis of possible triggering mechanisms of severe thunderstorms in the tropical central Andes of Peru, Mantaro Valley
JL Flores Rojas, AS Moya-Alvarez, S Kumar, D Martínez-Castro, ...
Atmosphere 10 (6), 301, 2019
On the dynamic mechanisms of intense rainfall events in the central Andes of Peru, Mantaro valley
JL Flores-Rojas, AS Moya-Alvarez, JM Valdivia-Prado, M Piñas-Laura, ...
Atmospheric Research 248, 105188, 2021
On different microphysical pathways to convective rainfall
S Lasher-Trapp, S Kumar, DH Moser, AM Blyth, JR French, RC Jackson, ...
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 57 (10), 2399-2417, 2018
Three dimensional characteristics of precipitating cloud systems observed during Indian summer monsoon
S Kumar
Advances in Space Research 58 (6), 1017-1032, 2016
Evaluation of GPM dual-frequency precipitation radar algorithms to estimate drop size distribution parameters, using ground-based measurement over the central Andes of Peru
C Del Castillo-Velarde, S Kumar, JM Valdivia-Prado, AS Moya-Álvarez, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 5, 597-619, 2021
Vertical characteristics of radar reflectivity and DSD parameters in intense convective clouds over South East South Asia during the Indian Summer monsoon: GPM observations
S Kumar, Y Silva
International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (24), 9604-9628, 2019
Vertical structure of precipitating shallow echoes observed from TRMM during Indian summer monsoon
S Kumar
Theoretical and applied climatology 133, 1051-1059, 2018
Precipitation structure during various phases the life cycle of precipitating cloud systems using geostationary satellite and space-based precipitation radar over Peru
S Kumar, CD Castillo-Velarde, JL Flores Rojas, A Moya-Álvarez, ...
GIScience & Remote Sensing 57 (8), 1057-1082, 2020
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Artículos 1–20