S. Alireza Ghasemi
S. Alireza Ghasemi
Assistant Professor of Physics, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran.
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Daubechies wavelets as a basis set for density functional pseudopotential calculations
L Genovese, A Neelov, S Goedecker, T Deutsch, SA Ghasemi, A Willand, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (1), 2008
Crystal structure of cold compressed graphite
M Amsler, JA Flores-Livas, L Lehtovaara, F Balima, SA Ghasemi, ...
Physical review letters 108 (6), 065501, 2012
Interatomic potentials for ionic systems with density functional accuracy based on charge densities obtained by a neural network
SA Ghasemi, A Hofstetter, S Saha, S Goedecker
Phys. Rev. B 92, 045131, 2015
Metrics for measuring distances in configuration spaces
A Sadeghi, SA Ghasemi, B Schaefer, S Mohr, MA Lill, S Goedecker
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (18), 2013
A fingerprint based metric for measuring similarities of crystalline structures
L Zhu, M Amsler, T Fuhrer, B Schaefer, S Faraji, S Rostami, SA Ghasemi, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 144 (3), 2016
High accuracy and transferability of a neural network potential through charge equilibration for calcium fluoride
S Faraji, SA Ghasemi, S Rostami, R Rasoulkhani, B Schaefer, ...
Physical Review B 95 (10), 104105, 2017
Multiscale approach for simulations of Kelvin probe force microscopy with atomic resolution
A Sadeghi, A Baratoff, SA Ghasemi, S Goedecker, T Glatzel, S Kawai, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (7), 075407, 2012
A two-dimensional hexagonal sheet of TiO2
HA Eivari, SA Ghasemi, H Tahmasbi, S Rostami, S Faraji, R Rasoulkhani, ...
Chemistry of materials 29, 8594, 2017
Structure and stability of semiconductor tip apexes for atomic force microscopy
P Pou, SA Ghasemi, P Jelinek, T Lenosky, S Goedecker, R Perez
Nanotechnology 20 (26), 264015, 2009
Ubiquitous mechanisms of energy dissipation in noncontact atomic force microscopy
SA Ghasemi, S Goedecker, A Baratoff, T Lenosky, E Meyer, HJ Hug
Physical review letters 100 (23), 236106, 2008
Structural metastability of endohedral silicon fullerenes
A Willand, M Gramzow, S Alireza Ghasemi, L Genovese, T Deutsch, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (20), 201405, 2010
Energy landscape of silicon systems and its description by force fields, tight binding schemes, density functional methods, and quantum Monte Carlo methods
SA Ghasemi, M Amsler, RG Hennig, S Roy, S Goedecker, TJ Lenosky, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (21), 214107, 2010
Low-energy boron fullerenes: Role of disorder and potential synthesis pathways
P Pochet, L Genovese, S De, S Goedecker, D Caliste, SA Ghasemi, K Bao, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (8), 081403, 2011
Stabilized quasi-Newton optimization of noisy potential energy surfaces
B Schaefer, S Alireza Ghasemi, S Roy, S Goedecker
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (3), 2015
Energy landscape of ZnO clusters and low-density polymorphs
R Rasoulkhani, H Tahmasbi, SA Ghasemi, S Faraji, S Rostami, M Amsler
Physical Review B 96 (6), 064108, 2017
Optimized symmetry functions for machine-learning interatomic potentials of multicomponent systems
S Rostami, M Amsler, SA Ghasemi
The Journal of chemical physics 149 (12), 2018
FLAME: a library of atomistic modeling environments
M Amsler, S Rostami, H Tahmasbi, E Rahmatizad, S Faraji, ...
Computer Physics Communications 256, 107415, 2020
The effect of ionization on the global minima of small and medium sized silicon and magnesium clusters
S De, SA Ghasemi, A Willand, L Genovese, D Kanhere, S Goedecker
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (12), 2011
CENT2: Improved charge equilibration via neural network technique
ER Khajehpasha, JA Finkler, TD Kühne, SA Ghasemi
Physical Review B 105 (14), 144106, 2022
Surface reconstructions and premelting of the (100) CaF 2 surface
S Faraji, SA Ghasemi, B Parsaeifard, S Goedecker
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (29), 16270-16281, 2019
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