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32 2016 Ising in a transverse field with added transverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction MR Soltani, FK Fumani, S Mahdavifar
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24 2019 Quantum correlations in the spin-1/2 Heisenberg XXZ chain with modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction GIJ F.Khastehdel Fumani, B. Beradze, S. Nemati, S. Mahdavifar
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15 2018 Quantum Critical Lines in the Ground State Phase Diagram of Spin‐1/2 Frustrated Transverse‐Field Ising Chains FK Fumani, S Nemati, S Mahdavifar
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12 2021 Identification of unentangled–entangled border in the luttinger liquid phase S Nemati, F Khastehdel Fumani, S Mahdavifar
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6 2020 Quantum phases of the 1d anisotropic spin-1/2 frustrated ferromagnetic model: view point of quantum correlations FK Fumani, M Motamedifar, S Mahdavifar
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6 2020 Exploring quantum coherence, spin squeezing and entanglement in an extended spin-1/2 XX chain S Mahdavifar, B Haghdoost, F Khastehdel Fumani, MR Soltani
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2 2024 Entangled unique coherent line in the ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 chain model with three-spin interaction F Khastehdel Fumani, S Mahdavifar, K Afrousheh
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2 2024 Regrowth of the QD with temperature in spin-1/2 Ising chain in a transverse field with added transverse Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction MR Soltani, FK Fumani, S Mahdavifar
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2022 Ising in a transverse field with added transverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (vol 476, 580, 2019) MR Soltani, FK Fumani, S Mahdavifar
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2021 Fidelity approach: the misleading role of finite size level crossing of excited energies S Nemati, FK Fumani, S Mahdavifar
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2018 Magnetic Entanglement between the Next Nearest Neighbor Sites in Spin-1/2 XX Chain Fatemeh Khasterdel Fumani, Somaye Nemati, Saeed Mahdavifar, AmirHosein Darooneh
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2015 Thermal Entanglement between the Next Nearest Neighbor Sites in a magnetic chain Fatemeh Khasterdel Fumani, Somaye Nemati, Saeed Mahdavifar, AmirHosein Darooneh
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2004 Chaos in Double Pendulum Fatemeh Khastehdel Fumani, Siamak Sadat Goushe
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