adeline richard
adeline richard
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Germline mutation rates in young adults predict longevity and reproductive lifespan
RM Cawthon, HD Meeks, TA Sasani, KR Smith, RA Kerber, E O’Brien, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10001, 2020
Facial expressions of appraisals displayed by a virtual storyteller for children
N Fourati, A Richard, S Caillou, N Sabouret, JC Martin, E Chanoni, ...
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 234-244, 2016
An Introduction To language and communication
A Adrian, A Richard, F Ann, MH Robert
New York: University Press, 2003
Another example of slow albumin allotype
JP Martin, LC Legeult, C Ropartz, J Mauze, A Lescaroux, A Richard, ...
Humangenetik 13, 320-327, 1971
Sauvetage fonctionnel des mutilations de la main par explosions d’armes
P Bourrel, H Robert, R Damas, A Richard, P Nosny
Ann Chir Plast 16 (3), 215-9, 1971
A Akmajian, A Richard, K Ann, M Robert
Linguistics: An introduction to language and communication.(5th ed∙) New …, 0
Interactive narration with a child: impact of prosody and facial expressions
O Șerban, M Barange, S Zojaji, A Pauchet, A Richard, E Chanoni
Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal …, 2017
Interactive Narration with a Child: Avatar versus Human in Video-Conference
A Pauchet, O Şerban, M Ruinet, A Richard, É Chanoni, M Barange
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017 …, 2017
ASD diagnosis in adults: phenotype and genotype findings from a clinically-derived cohort
U Jack FG, K Kimberley M, B Jennifer, A Richard, VB Marianne BM, ...
BioRxiv, 420778, 2018
Facial expression of emotions by a virtual narrator for children
N Fourati, A Richard, N Sabouret, JC Martin, E Chanoni, C Clavel
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série RIA: Revue d …, 2017
Action d'un thrombolytique sur la consolidation osseuse: étude animale expérimentale
P Nosny, Y Nosny, A Richard, J Vian
Les enfants de 7 à 9 ans dialoguent-ils avec un agent conversationnel comme avec un interlocuteur humain?
É Chanoni, A Bersoult, A Richard, A Pauchet
Psychologie et Réalité Virtuelle, 45-68, 2019
Caractéristiques des latences de réponses des enfants âgés de 6 à 9 ans selon le caractère virtuel ou humain de l’interlocuteur.
A Richard, E Chanoni, J Brisson, K Rovira, A Pauchet
Journée scientifique" Interactions Homme/Machine", 2015
Interagir avec un agent virtuel: qu'en est-il de l'engagement social pour les enfants neurotypiques ou porteurs de TSA?
A Richard
Normandie, 2019
ASD Diagnosis in Adults: Phenotype and Genotype Findings from a Clinically-derived Cohort
FGU Jack, MK Kimberley, B Jennifer, A Richard, MBM VdB, H Jeremy
Impact of Prosody and Facial Expressions on Interactive Narration with a Child
M Barange, S Zojaji, A Pauchet, A Richard, E Chanoni
Impact of Prosody and Facial Expressions
S Ovidiu, M Barange, S Zojaji, A Pauchet, A Richard, É Chanoni
Workshop Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interaction (WACAI), 2018
The discourse of children with ASD according to the human or virtual nature of their interlocutor. A preliminar analyse of pragmatic cues: F0 and latency
A Richard, K Martel, K Rovira, E Chanoni
Donders Discussions, 2017
Expression faciale d'émotions par un narrateur virtuel pour des enfants.
N Fourati, A Richard, N Sabouret, JC Martin, E Chanoni, C Clavel
Rev. d'Intelligence Artif. 31 (5), 537-556, 2017
Study of the engagement in the interaction between a child and a virtual agent: methodology and analysis of the Prosody
A Richard, K Rovira, A Pauchet, E Chanoni
Aix Summer School on Prosody, 2016
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Artículos 1–20