Sabrina J Mayer
Sabrina J Mayer
Professor of Political Sociology, University of Bamberg
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How does research productivity relate to gender? Analyzing gender differences for multiple publication dimensions
SJ Mayer, JMK Rathmann
Scientometrics 117 (3), 1663-1693, 2018
How negative partisanship affects voting behavior in Europe: Evidence from an analysis of 17 European multi-party systems with proportional voting
SJ Mayer
Research & Politics 4 (1), 2053168016686636, 2017
Immigrant voters against their will: a focus group analysis of identities, political issues and party allegiances among German resettlers during the 2017 bundestag election …
A Goerres, SJ Mayer, DC Spies
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (7), 1205-1222, 2020
What are we missing? Explaining immigrant-origin voter turnout with standard and immigrant-specific theories
D Spies, S Mayer, A Goerres
Electoral Studies, 2019
The Two Dimensions of Narcissistic Personality and Support for the Radical Right: The Role of Right‐wing Authoritarianism, Social Dominance Orientation and Anti‐immigrant Sentiment
SJ Mayer, CC Berning, D Johann
European Journal of Personality, 2020
Antiasiatischer Rassismus in Deutschland
K Suda, SJ Mayer, C Nguyen
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70 (42/44), 39-44, 2020
Die Parteiidentifikation: Eine Konstruktvalidierung neuer Maße auf Basis des Ansatzes sozialer Identität
SJ Mayer
Springer-Verlag, 2016
Trust in scientists and their role in society across 68 countries
V Cologna, NG Mede, S Berger, J Besley, C Brick, M Joubert, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-18, 2025
Systemrelevant und prekär beschäftigt: Wie Migrant* innen unser Gemeinwesen aufrechterhalten
S al-Khalil, A Lietz, SJ Mayer
DeZIM-Institut, 2020
Why do immigrants support an anti-immigrant party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany
DC Spies, SJ Mayer, J Elis, A Goerres
West European Politics 46 (2), 275-299, 2022
Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund bei der Bundestagswahl 2017: Erste Auswertungen der Immigrant German Election Study zu Deutschtürken und Russlanddeutschen
A Goerres, DC Spies, SJ Mayer
Duisburg: University of Duisburg-Essen, 2018
How did immigrant voters vote at the 2017 bundestag election? First results from the Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES)
A Goerres, D Spies, S Mayer
First Results from the Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES)(March 2, 2018 …, 2018
The impact of emotions on polarization. Anger polarizes attitudes towards vaccine mandates and increases affective polarization
CG Nguyen, SJ Mayer, S Veit
Research & Politics 9 (3), 20531680221116571, 2022
The relation between social identities and outgroup hostility among German immigrant‐origin citizens
H Hamidou‐Schmidt, SJ Mayer
Political Psychology 42 (2), 311-331, 2021
The effects of political involvement and cross-pressures on multiple party identifications in multi-party systems–evidence from Germany
SJ Mayer, M Schultze
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 29 (2), 245-261, 2019
A new electorate? Explaining the party preferences of immigrant-origin voters at the 2017 Bundestag election
A Goerres, SJ Mayer, DC Spies
British Journal of Political Science 52 (3), 1032-1054, 2022
Angry reactionary narcissists? Anger activates the link between narcissism and right-populist party support
SJ Mayer, C Nguyen
Politics and Governance 9 (3), 248-259, 2021
Hauptkomponentenanalyse und explorative Faktorenanalyse
SJ Mayer
Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft, 755-780, 2020
The perception of scientific authorship across domains
D Johann, SJ Mayer
Minerva 57 (2), 175-196, 2019
Die Messung der Parteiidentifikation auf Basis des Ansatzes sozialer Identität
SJ Mayer
Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, Sonderheft 50, 263-286, 2015
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Artículos 1–20