Reinaldo Oliveira Vianna
Reinaldo Oliveira Vianna
Associate Professor, Physics Department, UFMG
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Quantum correlations and coherence in spin-1 Heisenberg chains
AL Malvezzi, G Karpat, B Çakmak, FF Fanchini, T Debarba, RO Vianna
Physical Review B 93 (18), 184428, 2016
Witnessed entanglement and the geometric measure of quantum discord
T Debarba, TO Maciel, RO Vianna
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (2), 024302, 2012
Separable Multipartite Mixed States: Operational Asymptotically Necessary<? format?> and Sufficient Conditions
FGSL Brandao, RO Vianna
Physical review letters 93 (22), 220503, 2004
Entanglement of indistinguishable particles as a probe for quantum phase transitions in the extended Hubbard model
F Iemini, TO Maciel, RO Vianna
Physical Review B 92 (7), 075423, 2015
Witnessed entanglement
FGSL Brandao, RO Vianna
International Journal of Quantum Information 4 (02), 331-340, 2006
Robust semidefinite programming approach to the separability problem
FGSL Brandao, RO Vianna
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (6), 062309, 2004
Minimum tomography of two entangled qutrits using local measurements of one-qutrit symmetric informationally complete positive operator-valued measure
WM Pimenta, B Marques, TO Maciel, RO Vianna, A Delgado, C Saavedra, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 012112, 2013
Quantum state tomography with incomplete data: Maximum entropy and variational quantum tomography
DS Gonçalves, C Lavor, MA Gomes-Ruggiero, AT Cesário, RO Vianna, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 052140, 2013
Computable measures for the entanglement of indistinguishable particles
F Iemini, RO Vianna
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 022327, 2013
Distillability of Werner states using entanglement witnesses and robust semidefinite programs
RO Vianna, AC Doherty
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (5), 052306, 2006
Variational quantum tomography with incomplete information by means of semidefinite programs
TO Maciel, AT Cesário, RO Vianna
International Journal of Modern Physics C 22 (12), 1361-1372, 2011
Fast entanglement detection for unknown states of two spatial qutrits
G Lima, ES Gómez, A Vargas, RO Vianna, C Saavedra
Physical Review A 82, 012302, 2010
Quantum correlations, entanglement spectrum, and coherence of the two-particle reduced density matrix in the extended Hubbard model
DLB Ferreira, TO Maciel, RO Vianna, F Iemini
Physical Review B 105 (11), 115145, 2022
Quantumness of correlations in indistinguishable particles
F Iemini, T Debarba, RO Vianna
Physical Review A 89 (3), 032324, 2014
Pauling’s resonating valence bond theory of metals: some studies on lithium clusters
JR Mohallem, RO Vianna, AD Quintão, AC Pavão, R McWeeny
Zeitschrift Für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 42, 135-143, 1997
Experimental implementation of a NMR entanglement witness
JG Filgueiras, TO Maciel, RE Auccaise, RO Vianna, RS Sarthour, ...
Quantum Information Processing 11, 1883-1893, 2012
Quantifying quantum correlations in fermionic systems using witness operators
F Iemini, TO Maciel, T Debarba, RO Vianna
Quantum information processing 12, 733-746, 2013
Quantumness of correlations in fermionic systems
T Debarba, RO Vianna, F Iemini
Physical Review A 95 (2), 022325, 2017
Simple and maximally robust processes with no classical common-cause or direct-cause explanation
M Nery, MT Quintino, PA Guérin, TO Maciel, RO Vianna
Quantum 5, 538, 2021
Quantum state of a free spin-½ particle and the inextricable dependence of spin and momentum under lorentz transformations
T Debarba, RO Vianna
International Journal of Quantum Information 10 (04), 1230003, 2012
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Artículos 1–20