Extended Bose-Hubbard models with ultracold magnetic atoms S Baier, MJ Mark, D Petter, K Aikawa, L Chomaz, Z Cai, M Baranov, ...
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409 2016 Algebraic versus exponential decoherence in dissipative many-particle systems Z Cai, T Barthel
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260 2013 Approximating quantum many-body wave functions using artificial neural networks Z Cai, J Liu
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252 2018 Unconventional states of bosons with the synthetic spin–orbit coupling X Zhou, Y Li, Z Cai, C Wu
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193 2013 Magnetic phases of bosons with synthetic spin-orbit coupling in optical lattices Z Cai, X Zhou, C Wu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (6), 061605, 2012
115 2012 Competing Orders in the 2D Half-Filled Hubbard Model through the Pinning-Field Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations D Wang, Y Li, Z Cai, Z Zhou, Y Wang, C Wu
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74 2014 Stable Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov pairing states in two-dimensional and three-dimensional optical lattices Z Cai, Y Wang, C Wu
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72 2011 Majorana fermions in noisy Kitaev wires Y Hu, Z Cai, MA Baranov, P Zoller
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58 2015 Quantum magnetic properties of the Hubbard model in the square lattice: A quantum Monte Carlo study Z Cai, HH Hung, L Wang, C Wu
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57 2013 Cluster Luttinger liquids and emergent supersymmetric conformal critical points in the one-dimensional soft-shoulder Hubbard model M Dalmonte, W Lechner, Z Cai, M Mattioli, AM Läuchli, G Pupillo
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51 2015 Quantum magnetism of bosons with synthetic gauge fields in one-dimensional optical lattices: A density-matrix renormalization-group study M Piraud, Z Cai, IP McCulloch, U Schollwöck
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51 2014 Pomeranchuk Cooling of Ultracold Fermions in Optical Lattices Z Cai, H Hung, L Wang, D Zheng, C Wu
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50 2013 Complex and real unconventional Bose-Einstein condensations in high orbital bands Z Cai, C Wu
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50 2011 Identifying a bath-induced bose liquid in interacting spin-boson models Z Cai, U Schollwöck, L Pollet
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45 2014 Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of thermodynamic properties of ultracold fermions in optical lattices Z Zhou, Z Cai, C Wu, Y Wang
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29 2018 Exotic phases of interacting -band bosons F Hébert, Z Cai, VG Rousseau, C Wu, RT Scalettar, GG Batrouni
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26 2013 Interaction-induced anomalous transport behavior in one-dimensional optical lattices Z Cai, L Wang, XC Xie, Y Wang
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