Dewa Ngurah Suprapta
Dewa Ngurah Suprapta
Professor Biopesticide Udayana University
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Antioxidant activity of tropical ginger extracts and analysis of the contained curcuminoids
A Jitoe, T Masuda, IGP Tengah, DN Suprapta, IW Gara, N Nakatani
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40 (8), 1337-1340, 1992
Potential of microbial antagonists as biocontrol agents against plant fungal pathogens.
DN Suprapta
Ubi jalar ungu menurunkan kadar MDA dalam darah dan hati mencit setelah aktivitas fisik maksimal
IM Jawi, DN Suprapta, SU Dwi, I Wiwiek
Jurnal Veteriner 9 (2), 65-72, 2008
Effect of Pantoea agglomerans on growth promotion and yield of rice
K Khalimi, DN Suprapta, Y Nitta
Agric. Sci. Res. J 2 (5), 240-249, 2012
Kajian Aspek Pembibitan, Budidaya dan Pemanfaatan umbi-umbian sebagai sumber pangan alternatif
DN Suprapta, M Antara, N Arya, M Sudana, AS Duniaji, M Sudarma
Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Kerjasama BAPEDA Propinsi Bali dengan Fakultas …, 2004
Antifungal activity of teak (Tectona grandis L.F) leaf extract against Arthrinium phaeospermum (Corda) M.B. Ellis, the cause of wood decay on Albizia falcataria (L …
NPA Astiti, DN Suprapta
A mixture of piper leaves extracts and rhizobacteria for sustainable plant growth promotion and bio-control of blast pathogen of organic bali rice
N Luh Suriani, D Ngurah Suprapta, N Nazir, N Made Susun Parwanayoni, ...
Sustainability 12 (20), 8490, 2020
Isolasi dan identifikasi jamur penghasil mikotoksin pada biji kakao kering yang dihasilkan di Flores
ESA Wangge, DN Suprapta, G Wirya
J. Agric. Sci. and Biotechnol 1 (1), 39-47, 2012
Destructive leaf rot disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum on Aloe barbadensis Miller in Bali
R Kawuri, DN Suprapta, Y Nitta, T Homma
Agricultural Science Research Journal 2 (6), 295-301, 2012
First report on Fusarium solani, a pathogenic fungus causing stem rot disease on dragon fruits (Hylocereus sp.) in Bali
WS Rita, DN Suprapta, IM Sudana, IMD Swantara
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 3 (17), 93-99, 2013
Diversity of soil microorganisms in banana habitat with and without Fusarium wilt symptom.
IM Sudarma, DN Suprapta
Induction of plant resistance against Soybean stunt virus using some formulations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
K Khalimi, DN Suprapta
First report on the prevalence of Colletotrichum scovillei associated with anthracnose on chili pepper in Bali, Indonesia.
K Khalimi, AAK Darmadi, DN Suprapta
Pseudomonas alcaligenes, potential antagonist against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersicum the cause of fusarium wilt disease on tomato
IK Widnyana, DN Suprapta, IM Sudana, I Temaja
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 3 (7), 163-169, 2013
Effects of volatile compounds on arthrospore germination and mycelial growth of Geotrichum candidum citrus race
DN Suprapta, K Arai, H Iwai
Mycoscience 38 (1), 31-35, 1997
Efficacy of plant extract formulations to suppress stem rot disease on vanilla seedlings
DN Suprapta, K Khalimi
J. ISSAAS 15 (2), 34-41, 2009
Pertanian Bali dipuja, petaniku merana
DN Suprapta, I Sarjana, I Wijaya
(No Title), 2005
Effectiveness of Enterobacter cloacae to promote the growth and increase the yield of rice
DN Suprapta, NMI Maulina, K Khalimi
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 4 (1), 44-50, 2014
Anti-fungal activities of selected tropical plants from Bali Island
DN Suprapta, K Khalimi
Phytopharmacology 2 (2), 265-270, 2012
Distribution of Geotrichum candidum citrus race in citrus groves and non-citrus fields in Japan
DN Suprapta, K Arai, H Iwai
Mycoscience 36 (3), 277-282, 1995
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Artículos 1–20