Antioxidant activity of tropical ginger extracts and analysis of the contained curcuminoids A Jitoe, T Masuda, IGP Tengah, DN Suprapta, IW Gara, N Nakatani Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40 (8), 1337-1340, 1992 | 315 | 1992 |
Potential of microbial antagonists as biocontrol agents against plant fungal pathogens. DN Suprapta | 169 | 2012 |
Ubi jalar ungu menurunkan kadar MDA dalam darah dan hati mencit setelah aktivitas fisik maksimal IM Jawi, DN Suprapta, SU Dwi, I Wiwiek Jurnal Veteriner 9 (2), 65-72, 2008 | 71 | 2008 |
Effect of Pantoea agglomerans on growth promotion and yield of rice K Khalimi, DN Suprapta, Y Nitta Agric. Sci. Res. J 2 (5), 240-249, 2012 | 59 | 2012 |
Kajian Aspek Pembibitan, Budidaya dan Pemanfaatan umbi-umbian sebagai sumber pangan alternatif DN Suprapta, M Antara, N Arya, M Sudana, AS Duniaji, M Sudarma Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Kerjasama BAPEDA Propinsi Bali dengan Fakultas …, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
Antifungal activity of teak (Tectona grandis L.F) leaf extract against Arthrinium phaeospermum (Corda) M.B. Ellis, the cause of wood decay on Albizia falcataria (L … NPA Astiti, DN Suprapta | 49 | 2012 |
A mixture of piper leaves extracts and rhizobacteria for sustainable plant growth promotion and bio-control of blast pathogen of organic bali rice N Luh Suriani, D Ngurah Suprapta, N Nazir, N Made Susun Parwanayoni, ... Sustainability 12 (20), 8490, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Isolasi dan identifikasi jamur penghasil mikotoksin pada biji kakao kering yang dihasilkan di Flores ESA Wangge, DN Suprapta, G Wirya J. Agric. Sci. and Biotechnol 1 (1), 39-47, 2012 | 46 | 2012 |
Destructive leaf rot disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum on Aloe barbadensis Miller in Bali R Kawuri, DN Suprapta, Y Nitta, T Homma Agricultural Science Research Journal 2 (6), 295-301, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
First report on Fusarium solani, a pathogenic fungus causing stem rot disease on dragon fruits (Hylocereus sp.) in Bali WS Rita, DN Suprapta, IM Sudana, IMD Swantara Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 3 (17), 93-99, 2013 | 37 | 2013 |
Diversity of soil microorganisms in banana habitat with and without Fusarium wilt symptom. IM Sudarma, DN Suprapta | 37 | 2011 |
Induction of plant resistance against Soybean stunt virus using some formulations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. K Khalimi, DN Suprapta | 37 | 2011 |
First report on the prevalence of Colletotrichum scovillei associated with anthracnose on chili pepper in Bali, Indonesia. K Khalimi, AAK Darmadi, DN Suprapta | 36 | 2019 |
Pseudomonas alcaligenes, potential antagonist against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersicum the cause of fusarium wilt disease on tomato IK Widnyana, DN Suprapta, IM Sudana, I Temaja Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 3 (7), 163-169, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Effects of volatile compounds on arthrospore germination and mycelial growth of Geotrichum candidum citrus race DN Suprapta, K Arai, H Iwai Mycoscience 38 (1), 31-35, 1997 | 35 | 1997 |
Efficacy of plant extract formulations to suppress stem rot disease on vanilla seedlings DN Suprapta, K Khalimi J. ISSAAS 15 (2), 34-41, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
Pertanian Bali dipuja, petaniku merana DN Suprapta, I Sarjana, I Wijaya (No Title), 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Effectiveness of Enterobacter cloacae to promote the growth and increase the yield of rice DN Suprapta, NMI Maulina, K Khalimi Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 4 (1), 44-50, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Anti-fungal activities of selected tropical plants from Bali Island DN Suprapta, K Khalimi Phytopharmacology 2 (2), 265-270, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Distribution of Geotrichum candidum citrus race in citrus groves and non-citrus fields in Japan DN Suprapta, K Arai, H Iwai Mycoscience 36 (3), 277-282, 1995 | 30 | 1995 |