Homological dimension of discrete groups R Bieri
Queen Mary College Mathematics Notes, 1976
656 1976 Homological Dimension of Discrete Groups R Bieri
Queen Mary College Mathematics Notes, 1976
656 1976 A geometric invariant of discrete groups R Bieri, WD Neumann, R Strebel
Inventiones mathematicae 90 (3), 451-477, 1987
357 1987 The geometry of the set of characters induced by valuations R Bieri, JRJ Groves
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathemat 347, 168-195, 1984
350 * 1984 Valuations and finitely presented metabelian groups R Bieri, R Strebel
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 3 (3), 439-464, 1980
249 1980 Generalizing poincaré duality R Bieri, B Eckmann
Inventiones mathematicae 20, 103-124, 1973
203 1973 Valuations on free resolutions and higher geometric invariants of groups R Bieri, B Renz
Comment. Math. Helv 63 (3), 464-497, 1988
188 1988 Almost finitely presented soluble groups R Bieri, R Strebel
Comment. Math. Helv 53 (2), 258-278, 1978
185 1978 Relative homology and Poincaré duality for group pairs R Bieri, B Eckmann
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 13 (3), 277-319, 1978
132 1978 Normal subgroups in duality groups and in groups of cohomological dimension 2 R Bieri
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 7 (1), 35-51, 1976
104 1976 Gruppen mit Poincaré-Dualität R Bieri
ETH Zurich, 1972
78 1972 On groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the real line R Bieri, R Strebel
(No Title), 2016
75 2016 A geometric invariant for modules over an Abelian group. R Strebel, R Bieri
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 1981 (322), 170-189, 1981
70 1981 Metabelian Groups of Type (FP )∞ are Virtually of Type (FP ) R Bieri, JRJ Groves
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 3 (2), 365-384, 1982
69 1982 Homological dimension of discrete groups, Queen Mary College Math R Bieri
Notes, London 1, Q76, 1976
67 1976 Finiteness properties of duality groups R Bieri, B Eckmann
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 49, 74-83, 1974
65 1974 Constructable solvable groups G Baumslag, R Bieri
Mathematische Zeitschrift 151, 249-257, 1976
61 1976 The Sigma invariants of Thompson’s group R Bieri, R Geoghegan, DH Kochloukova
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 4 (2), 263-273, 2010
51 2010 Connectivity properties of group actions on non-positively curved spaces R Bieri, R Geoghegan
American Mathematical Soc., 2003
43 2003 Mayer-Vietoris sequences forHNN -groups and homological duality R Bieri
Mathematische Zeitschrift 143, 123-130, 1975
39 1975