Lei Guo, Ph.D.
Lei Guo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Communication, University of Nebraska-Omaha
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Third-person effect and hate speech censorship on Facebook
L Guo, BG Johnson
Social Media+ Society 6 (2), 2056305120923003, 2020
(Re) defining journalistic expertise in the digital transformation: A content analysis of job announcements
L Guo, Y Volz
Journalism Practice 13 (10), 1294-1315, 2019
Toward a new conceptualization of journalistic competency: An analysis of US broadcasting job announcements
L Guo, Y Volz
Journalism & mass communication educator 76 (1), 91-110, 2021
Effects of Issue Involvement, News Attention, Perceived Knowledge, and Perceived Influence of Anti-Corruption News on Chinese Students’ Political Participation
L Guo, C Su, H Lee
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 1077699018790945, 2019
Affordances for sense-making: Exploring their availability for users of online news sites
D Kiesow, S Zhou, L Guo
Digital journalism 11 (6), 962-981, 2023
Use and gratifications of singing competition reality shows: Linking narcissism and gratifications sought with the multimedia viewing of Chinese audiences
D Xu, L Guo
Mass Communication and Society 21 (2), 198-224, 2018
Theoretical and methodological patterns of third-person effect research: A comparative thematic analysis of Asia and the world
VH Lo, R Wei, X Zhang, L Guo
The State of Asian Communication Research and Directions for the 21st …, 2018
Exposure to news about the South China Sea, nationalism, and government evaluation: Examining the mediation roles of third-person effects and online discussion
X Li, L Guo
Chinese Journal of Communication 11 (4), 455-472, 2018
The values of print: Affordances and sensemaking for newspaper consumers
S Zhou, D Kiesow, L Guo
Journalism Practice 17 (2), 336-353, 2023
Effects of emotional labor engagement on job burnout: A study of Chinese frontline reporters
L Guo
Journalism Studies 24 (1), 1-23, 2023
Making China their “beat”: A collective biography of US correspondents in China, 1900–1949
Y Volz, L Guo
American Journalism 36 (4), 473-496, 2019
电视节目资源再利用的新途径——“乐农家” 数字视频资源包文化信息传播范式探究
谭英, 果蕾, 杨小兰
电视研究, 15-17, 2009
Assignment China: An oral history of journalists in the People’s Republic: By MIKE CHINOY, New York: Columbia University Press, 2023, US $140 (hardcover), 479 pp
L Guo
Chinese Journal of Communication 17 (4), 475-477, 2024
Reclaiming Power on Social Media: A Social Network Analysis of the# VeryAsian Movement on Twitter
L Guo, JH Lipschultz
Mobile Communication in Asian Society and Culture, 175-190, 2023
11 Reclaiming Power on Social Media
L Guo, JH Lipschultz
Mobile Communication in Asian Society and Culture: Continuity and Changes …, 2023
Finding focus in faculty mentorship: Expectations and aspirations on diverse campuses
L Thompson III, H., & Guo
The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching, 2022
Book Review: Feature Writing and Reporting: Journalism in the Digital Age, by Jennifer Brannock Cox
L Guo
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 77 (2), 253-255, 2022
Need for cognition
L Zhou, S. H., & Guo
The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology, 2020
L Guo, C Su, H Lee
《二十一世紀》雙月刊, 67-85, 2016
L Guo, J Wang, X Dai, H Wang
傳播與社會學刊, 61-92, 2013
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