leonardo alfredo forero mendoza
leonardo alfredo forero mendoza
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Deep convolutional neural networks for weed detection in agricultural crops using optical aerial images
W Ramirez, P Achanccaray, LF Mendoza, MAC Pacheco
2020 IEEE Latin American GRSS & ISPRS Remote Sensing Conference (LAGIRS …, 2020
Improving deep learning performance by using Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) approaches
V Bento, M Kohler, P Diaz, L Mendoza, MA Pacheco
Discover Artificial Intelligence 1, 1-11, 2021
Deep neural network for EMG signal classification of wrist position: Preliminary results
AD Orjuela-Cañón, AF Ruíz-Olaya, L Forero
2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-5, 2017
Classification of vocal aging using parameters extracted from the glottal signal
LAF Mendoza, E Cataldo, MMBR Vellasco, MA Silva, JA Apolinário Jr
Journal of Voice 28 (5), 532-537, 2014
Novel scanning magnetic microscopy method for the characterization of magnetic nanoparticles
JFDF Araujo, S Arsalani, FL Freire Jr, G Mariotto, M Cremona, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 499, 166300, 2020
Intelligent multiagent coordination based on reinforcement hierarchical neuro-fuzzy models
LF Mendoza, M Vellasco, K Figueiredo
International Journal of Neural Systems 24 (08), 1450031, 2014
Fallas reproductivas asociadas a deficiencias de microminerales: caso colombiano
L Forero
Sitio Argentino de Producción Animal. Disponible en línea: www. produccion …, 2004
Magnetic characterization by scanning microscopy of functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles
FV Gutierrez, A De Falco, E Yokoyama, LAF Mendoza, C Luz-Lima, ...
Nanomaterials 11 (9), 2197, 2021
Characterizing complex mineral structures in thin sections of geological samples with a scanning Hall effect microscope
JFDF Araujo, ALA Reis, VC Oliveira Jr, AF Santos, C Luz-Lima, ...
Sensors 19 (7), 1636, 2019
Classification of voice aging using ANN and glottal signal parameters
LAF Mendoza, E Cataldo, M Vellasco, MA Silva, ADO Cañon, ...
2010 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-5, 2010
PSO+: A nonlinear constraints-handling particle swarm optimization
M Kohler, L Forero, M Vellasco, R Tanscheit, MA Pacheco
2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2518-2523, 2016
Conocimientos, actitudes y estilos de vida frente a la osteoporosis en una ciudad del Caribe colombiano
C Vélez-Marín, CV Caballero-Uribe, R Tuesca-Molina, V Ochoa, ...
Salud uninorte 22 (2), 73-83, 2006
Improving Transfer Learning Performance: An Application in the Classification of Remote Sensing Data.
GL Tenorio, CEM Villalobos, LAF Mendoza, EC da Silva, W Caarls
ICAART (2), 174-183, 2019
Scanning magnetic microscope using a gradiometric configuration for characterization of rock samples
JFDF Araujo, ALA Reis, AAP Correa, E Yokoyama, VC Oliveira Jr, ...
Materials 12 (24), 4154, 2019
Severe asthma exacerbations prediction using neural networks
A Silveira, C Muñoz, L Mendoza
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 20th International Conference …, 2019
On the use of neuroevolutive methods as support tools for diagnosing appendicitis and tuberculosis
AD Orjuela-Cañón, HF Posada-Quintero, CH Valencia, L Mendoza
Workshop on Engineering Applications, 171-181, 2018
Redes neurais e máquinas de vetores de suporte no reconhecimento de locutor usando coeficientes MFC e características do sinal glotal
LAF Mendoza
A simple portable magnetometer based on magnets and hall-effect sensors capable of measuring magnetic properties
JFDF Araujo, EBM Junior, LAF Mendoza
Applied Sciences 12 (24), 12565, 2022
Detecting surface-breaking flaws with a Hall effect gradiometric sensor
EBM Junior, FV Gutierrez, T Del Rosso, JGGF Paiva, LAF Mendoza, ...
Measurement 171, 108808, 2021
Computed-torque control of a simulated bipedal robot with locomotion by reinforcement learning
CMCO Valle, R Tanscheit, LAF Mendoza
2016 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2016
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