Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Tatsuya KawaharaMás información
Disponibles en algún lugar: 24
Can a robot laugh with you?: Shared laughter generation for empathetic spoken dialogue
K Inoue, D Lala, T Kawahara
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9, 933261, 2022
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Lexicon optimization based on discriminative learning for automatic speech recognition of agglutinative language
M Ablimit, T Kawahara, A Hamdulla
Speech communication 60, 78-87, 2014
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Two-stage finetuning of wav2vec 2.0 for speech emotion recognition with asr and gender pretraining
Y Gao, C Chu, T Kawahara
Proc. Interspeech, 3637-3641, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Time-domain speech enhancement assisted by multi-resolution frequency encoder and decoder
H Shi, M Mimura, L Wang, J Dang, T Kawahara
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Stem-affix based Uyghur morphological analyzer
M Ablimit, T Kawahara, A Pattar, A Hamdulla
International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking 9 (2 …, 2016
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China
RealPersonaChat: A realistic persona chat corpus with interlocutors’ own personalities
S Yamashita, K Inoue, A Guo, S Mochizuki, T Kawahara, R Higashinaka
Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and …, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Spectrograms fusion-based end-to-end robust automatic speech recognition
H Shi, L Wang, S Li, C Fan, J Dang, T Kawahara
2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2021
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Simultaneous job interview system using multiple semi-autonomous agents
H Kawai, Y Muraki, K Yamamoto, D Lala, K Inoue, T Kawahara
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on …, 2022
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Backchannel generation model for a third party listener agent
D Lala, K Inoue, T Kawahara, K Sawada
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction …, 2022
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Effect of attentive listening robot on pleasure and arousal change in psychiatric daycare
K Ochi, K Inoue, D Lala, T Kawahara, H Kumazaki
Advanced Robotics 37 (21), 1382-1391, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Dual variational generative model and auxiliary retrieval for empathetic response generation by conversational robot
Y Fu, K Inoue, D Lala, K Yamamoto, C Chu, T Kawahara
Advanced Robotics 37 (21), 1406-1418, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
I know your feelings before you do: Predicting future affective reactions in human-computer dialogue
Y Li, K Inoue, L Tian, C Fu, CT Ishi, H Ishiguro, T Kawahara, C Lai
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Monaural Speech Enhancement Based on Spectrogram Decomposition for Convolutional Neural Network-sensitive Feature Extraction.
H Shi, L Wang, S Li, J Dang, T Kawahara
Interspeech, 221-225, 2022
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Semi-autonomous guide agents with simultaneous handling of multiple users
Y Muraki, H Kawai, K Yamamoto, K Inoue, D Lala, T Kawahara
Proc. Int. Workshop Spoken Dialogue Syst. Technol, 1-12, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Morpheme Segmentation and Concatenation Approaches for Uyghur LVCSR
M Ablimit, T Kawahara, A Hamdulla
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 8 (8), 327-342, 2015
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Entrainment Analysis and Prosody Prediction of Subsequent Interlocutor’s Backchannels in Dialogue
K Ochi, K Inoue, D Lala, T Kawahara
Proc. Interspeech 2024, 462-466, 2024
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Character expression for spoken dialogue systems with semi-supervised learning using Variational Auto-Encoder
K Yamamoto, K Inoue, T Kawahara
Computer Speech & Language 79, 101469, 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Improving Empathetic Response Generation with Retrieval based on Emotion Recognition
Y Fu, K Inoue, D Lala, K Yamamoto, C Chu, T Kawahara
Proc. Int’l Workshop Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS), 2023
Órdenes: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Fusing multiple bandwidth spectrograms for improving speech enhancement
H Shi, Y Shu, L Wang, J Dang, T Kawahara
2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2022
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Japan Science and Technology …
Subband-based spectrogram fusion for speech enhancement by combining mapping and masking approaches
H Shi, L Wang, S Li, J Dang, T Kawahara
2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual …, 2022
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Japan Science and Technology …
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