How corporate social responsibility engagement strategy moderates the CSR–financial performance relationship Z Tang, CE Hull, S Rothenberg Journal of management Studies 49 (7), 1274-1303, 2012 | 1002 | 2012 |
Exploring an inverted U–shape relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance in Chinese ventures J Tang, Z Tang, LD Marino, Y Zhang, Q Li Entrepreneurship theory and practice 32 (1), 219-239, 2008 | 732 | 2008 |
Stakeholder–firm power difference, stakeholders' CSR orientation, and SMEs' environmental performance in China Z Tang, J Tang Journal of Business Venturing 27 (4), 436-455, 2012 | 364 | 2012 |
Entrepreneurial orientation and SME performance in China’s changing environment: The moderating effects of strategies Z Tang, J Tang Asia Pacific Journal of Management 29, 409-431, 2012 | 274 | 2012 |
An investigation of entrepreneurial orientation, perceived environmental hostility, and strategy application among Chinese SMEs Z Tang, C Hull Journal of Small Business Management 50 (1), 132-158, 2012 | 205 | 2012 |
The impact of entrepreneurial orientation and ownership type on firm performance in the emerging region of China J Tang, Z Tang, Y Zhang, Q Li Journal of developmental Entrepreneurship 12 (04), 383-397, 2007 | 152 | 2007 |
Can the media discipline Chinese firms’ pollution behaviors? The mediating effects of the public and government Z Tang, J Tang Journal of management 42 (6), 1700-1722, 2016 | 136 | 2016 |
The impact of human resource management on corporate social performance strengths and concerns S Rothenberg, CE Hull, Z Tang Business & Society 56 (3), 391-418, 2017 | 128 | 2017 |
Exploring the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, CEO dual values, and SME performance in state–owned vs. nonstate–owned enterprises in China J Tang, Z Tang, BJ Cowden Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41 (6), 883-908, 2017 | 118 | 2017 |
Developing an entrepreneurial typology: the roles of entrepreneurial alertness and attributional style J Tang, Z Tang, FT Lohrke International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 4, 273-294, 2008 | 112 | 2008 |
Proactiveness, stakeholder–firm power difference, and product safety and quality of Chinese SMEs J Tang, Z Tang, JA Katz Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38 (5), 1-29, 2014 | 111 | 2014 |
The relationship of achievement motivation and risk-taking propensity to new venture performance: a test of the moderating effect of entrepreneurial munificence J Tang, Z Tang International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 4 (4), 450-472, 2007 | 109 | 2007 |
Bribes as entrepreneurial actions: Why underdog entrepreneurs feel compelled to use them RA Baron, J Tang, Z Tang, Y Zhang Journal of Business Venturing 33 (6), 679-690, 2018 | 103 | 2018 |
Stakeholder corporate social responsibility orientation congruence, entrepreneurial orientation and environmental performance of Chinese small and medium‐sized enterprises Z Tang, J Tang British Journal of Management 29 (4), 634-651, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
A hierarchical perspective of the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation Z Tang, PM Kreiser, L Marino, P Dickson, KM Weaver International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 5, 181-201, 2009 | 99 | 2009 |
Exploring proactiveness as a moderator in the process of perceiving industrial munificence: A field study of SMEs in four countries Z Tang, PM Kreiser, L Marino, KM Weaver Journal of Small Business Management 48 (2), 97-115, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
Firm-level entrepreneurship: the role of proactiveness, innovativeness and strategic renewal in the creation and exploration of opportunities P Kreiser, L Marino, J Davis, ZHI Tang, C Lee Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 15 (02), 143-163, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
Mobilizing the wealthy: Doing “privilege work” and challenging the roots of inequality M Scully, S Rothenberg, EE Beaton, Z Tang Business & Society 57 (6), 1075-1113, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
The impact of competitors–firm power divergence on Chinese SMES’environmental and financial performance Z Tang, J Tang Journal of Business Ethics 136, 147-165, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Information diversity and innovation for born-globals CE Hull, Z Tang, J Tang, J Yang Asia Pacific Journal of Management 37 (4), 1039-1060, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |