Javier Samper
Javier Samper
Catedratico de Universidad UDC
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Geoestadística: Aplicaciones a la hidrogeología subterránea
FJS Calvete, JC Ramírez
Centro Internacional de métodos numéricos en ingeniería, 1996
Modeling of non-isothermal multi-component reactive transport in field scale porous media flow systems
T Xu, J Samper, C Ayora, M Manzano, E Custodio
Journal of Hydrology 214 (1-4), 144-164, 1999
Inverse problem of multicomponent reactive chemical transport in porous media: Formulation and applications
Z Dai, J Samper
Water Resources Research 40 (7), 2004
A general and efficient formulation of fractures and boundary conditions in the finite element method
R Juanes, J Samper, J Molinero
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 54 (12), 1751-1774, 2002
Numerical modeling of the transient hydrogeological response produced by tunnel construction in fractured bedrocks
J Molinero, J Samper, R Juanes
Engineering Geology 64 (4), 369-386, 2002
Full-scale engineered barriers experiment for a deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste in crystalline host rock(FEBEX project)
F Huertas, JL Fuentes-Cantillana, F Jullien, P Rivas, J Linares, P Fariña, ...
EUR(Luxembourg), 2000
Manual del usuario del programa VISUAL BALAN v. 1.0: Código interactivo para la realización de balances hidrológicos y la estimación de la recarga
J Sanper
Enresa, 1999
FJ Samper, J Carrera
Aplicaciones a la Hidrogeología Subterránea. Centro Internacional de Métodos …, 1990
Comparative assessment of climate change and its impacts on three coastal aquifers in the Mediterranean
TY Stigter, JP Nunes, B Pisani, Y Fakir, R Hugman, Y Li, S Tomé, ...
Regional Environmental Change 14, 41-56, 2014
Estimation of spatial covariance structures by adjoint state maximum likelihood cross validation: 1. Theory
FJ Samper, SP Neuman
Water Resources Research 25 (3), 351-362, 1989
Coupled thermo-hydro-chemical models of compacted bentonite after FEBEX in situ test
J Samper, L Zheng, L Montenegro, AM Fernández, P Rivas
Applied Geochemistry 23 (5), 1186-1201, 2008
Inverse modeling of water flow and multicomponent reactive transport in coastal aquifer systems
Z Dai, J Samper
Journal of Hydrology 327 (3-4), 447-461, 2006
Modelling geochemical and microbial consumption of dissolved oxygen after backfilling a high level radiactive waste repository
C Yang, J Samper, J Molinero, M Bonilla
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 93 (1-4), 130-148, 2007
A coupled THMC model of FEBEX mock-up test
L Zheng, J Samper
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33, S486-S498, 2008
A sequential partly iterative approach for multicomponent reactive transport with CORE2D
J Samper, T Xu, C Yang
Computational Geosciences 13, 301-316, 2009
Solute transport properties of compacted Ca-bentonite used in FEBEX project
M Garcıa-Gutiérrez, T Missana, M Mingarro, J Samper, Z Dai, J Molinero
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 47 (2-4), 127-137, 2001
A coupled THMC model of a heating and hydration laboratory experiment in unsaturated compacted FEBEX bentonite
L Zheng, J Samper, L Montenegro, AM Fernández
Journal of hydrology 386 (1-4), 80-94, 2010
A coupled non-isothermal reactive transport model for long-term geochemical evolution of a HLW repository in clay
C Yang, J Samper, L Montenegro
Environmental Geology 53, 1627-1638, 2008
A coupled THC model of the FEBEX in situ test with bentonite swelling and chemical and thermal osmosis
L Zheng, J Samper, L Montenegro
Journal of contaminant hydrology 126 (1-2), 45-60, 2011
Identifying geochemical processes by inverse modeling of multicomponent reactive transport in the Aquia aquifer
Z Dai, J Samper, R Ritzi Jr
Geosphere 2 (4), 210-219, 2006
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