Joel Erblich, PhD, MPH
Joel Erblich, PhD, MPH
Hunter College and Graduate Center, City University of New York
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Family and friends with disease:: their impact on perceived risk
GH Montgomery, J Erblich, T DiLorenzo, DH Bovbjerg
Preventive medicine 37 (3), 242-249, 2003
Looking forward and back: Distress among women at familial risk for breast cancer, ,
J Erblich, DH Bovbjerg, HB Valdimarsdottir
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 22 (1), 53-59, 2000
Presurgery psychological factors predict pain, nausea, and fatigue one week after breast cancer surgery
GH Montgomery, JB Schnur, J Erblich, MA Diefenbach, DH Bovbjerg
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 39 (6), 1043-1052, 2010
Psychological distress, health beliefs, and frequency of breast self-examination
J Erblich, DH Bovbjerg, HB Valdimarsdottir
Journal of behavioral medicine 23, 277-292, 2000
Smoking-related videos for use in cue-induced craving paradigms
C Tong, DH Bovbjerg, J Erblich
Addictive behaviors 32 (12), 3034-3044, 2007
Effects of dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) and transporter (SLC6A3) polymorphisms on smoking cue-induced cigarette craving among African-American smokers
J Erblich, C Lerman, DW Self, GA Diaz, DH Bovbjerg
Molecular psychiatry 10 (4), 407-414, 2005
A model of disease-specific worry in heritable disease: the influence of family history, perceived risk and worry about other illnesses
TA DiLorenzo, J Schnur, GH Montgomery, J Erblich, G Winkel, ...
Journal of Behavioral Medicine 29, 37-49, 2006
Stress-induced cigarette craving: effects of the DRD2 TaqI RFLP and SLC6A3 VNTR polymorphisms
J Erblich, C Lerman, DW Self, GA Diaz, DH Bovbjerg
The pharmacogenomics journal 4 (2), 102-109, 2004
Development and validation of a breast cancer genetic counseling knowledge questionnaire
J Erblich, K Brown, Y Kim, HB Valdimarsdottir, BE Livingston, ...
Patient education and counseling 56 (2), 182-191, 2005
Poor sleep the night before an experimental stress task is associated with reduced cortisol reactivity in healthy women
CE Wright, HB Valdimarsdottir, J Erblich, DH Bovbjerg
Biological psychology 74 (3), 319-327, 2007
It won't happen to me: lower perception of heart disease risk among women with family histories of breast cancer
J Erblich, DH Bovbjerg, C Norman, HB Valdimarsdottir, GH Montgomery
Preventive medicine 31 (6), 714-721, 2000
A confirmed factor structure for the Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale.
M Earleywine, J Erblich
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 4 (1), 107, 1996
Biased cognitive processing of cancer-related information among women with family histories of breast cancer: evidence from a cancer stroop task.
J Erblich, GH Montgomery, HB Valdimarsdottir, M Cloitre, DH Bovbjerg
Health Psychology 22 (3), 235, 2003
Read all about it: the over-representation of breast cancer in popular magazines
D Blanchard, J Erblich, GH Montgomery, DH Bovbjerg
Preventive Medicine 35 (4), 343-348, 2002
Severity of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease affects list learning using the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT)
LS Fox, JT Olin, J Erblich, CG Ippen, LS Schneider
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 13 (8), 544-549, 1998
Stress-and cue-induced cigarette craving: effects of a family history of smoking
L Colamussi, DH Bovbjerg, J Erblich
Drug and alcohol dependence 88 (2-3), 251-258, 2007
Distraction does not impair memory during intoxication: support for the attention-allocation model.
J Erblich, M Earleywine
Journal of studies on alcohol 56 (4), 444-448, 1995
Children of alcoholics exhibit attenuated cognitive impairment during an ethanol challenge
J Erblich, M Earleywine
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 23 (3), 476-482, 1999
Biphasic stimulant and sedative effects of ethanol: are children of alcoholics really different?
J Erblich, M Earleywine, B Erblich, DH Bovbjerg
Addictive Behaviors 28 (6), 1129-1139, 2003
In vivo versus imaginal smoking cue exposures: is seeing believing?
J Erblich, DH Bovbjerg
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 12 (3), 208, 2004
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