4,500-year-old mining pollution in southwestern Spain: long-term implications for modern mining pollution M Leblanc, JA Morales, J Borrego, F Elbaz-Poulichet Economic Geology 95 (3), 655-662, 2000 | 391 | 2000 |
Rio Tinto estuary (Spain): 5000 years of pollution RA Davis Jr, AT Welty, J Borrego, JA Morales, JG Pendon, JG Ryan Environmental Geology 39, 1107-1116, 2000 | 333 | 2000 |
Unique membrane properties and enhanced signal processing in human neocortical neurons G Eyal, MB Verhoog, G Testa-Silva, Y Deitcher, JC Lodder, ... elife 5, e16553, 2016 | 194 | 2016 |
Geochemical characteristics of heavy metal pollution in surface sediments of the Tinto and Odiel river estuary (southwestern Spain) J Borrego, J Morales, M De la Torre, J Grande Environmental Geology 41, 785-796, 2002 | 185 | 2002 |
Influence of Al, In, Cu, Fe and Sn dopants in the microstructure of zinc oxide thin films obtained by spray pyrolysis J Morales, E Andrade, M Miki-Yoshida Thin Solid Films 366 (1-2), 16-27, 2000 | 167 | 2000 |
Depth-dependent seismic attenuation in the Granada zone (Southern Spain) JM Ibanez, E Del Pezzo, F De Miguel, M Herraiz, G Alguacil, J Morales Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 80 (5), 1232-1244, 1990 | 146 | 1990 |
Evolution and facies architecture of the mesotidal Guadiana River delta (SW Spain-Portugal) JA Morales Marine Geology 138 (1-2), 127-148, 1997 | 143 | 1997 |
A study of heavy metal pollution in the Tinto-Odiel estuary in southwestern Spain using factor analysis JA Grande, J Borrego, JA Morales Environmental Geology 39, 1095-1101, 2000 | 140 | 2000 |
Inflation stabilization in Bolivia JA Morales Inflation Stabilization: The Experience of Israel, Argentina, Brazil …, 1988 | 134 | 1988 |
Sedimentary record of recent tsunamis in the Huelva Estuary (southwestern Spain) JA Morales, J Borrego, EG San Miguel, N López-González, B Carro Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (7-8), 734-746, 2008 | 127 | 2008 |
SEOM clinical guidelines in Hereditary Breast and ovarian cancer G Llort, I Chirivella, R Morales, R Serrano, AB Sanchez, A Teulé, E Lastra, ... Clinical and Translational Oncology 17, 956-961, 2015 | 126 | 2015 |
El registro sedimentario y faunístico de las cuencas de Calatayud-Daroca y Teruel. Evolución paleoambiental y paleoclimática durante el Neógeno L Alcalá, AM Alonso Zarza, A Sierra, B Azanza, JP Calvo, JC Cañaveras, ... Sociedad Geológica de España, 2000 | 119 | 2000 |
Stratigraphic sequence, elemental concentrations and heavy metal pollution in Holocene sediments from the Tinto-Odiel Estuary, southwestern Spain F Ruiz, ML González-Regalado, J Borrego, JA Morales, JG Pendón, ... Environmental Geology 34, 270-278, 1998 | 113 | 1998 |
A description of how metal pollution occurs in the Tinto–Odiel rias (Huelva-Spain) through the application of cluster analysis JA Grande, J Borrego, JA Morales, ML De la Torre Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (4), 475-480, 2003 | 110 | 2003 |
Holocene Estuarine Facies along the Mesotidal Coast of Huelva, South‐Western Spain J Borrego, JA Morales, JG Pendón Tidal signatures in modern and ancient sediments, 151-170, 1995 | 102 | 1995 |
Holocene filling of an estuarine lagoon along the mesotidal coast of Huelva: the Piedras River mouth, southwestern Spain J Borrego, JA Morales, JG Pendón Journal of Coastal Research, 242-254, 1993 | 101 | 1993 |
Espina: a tool for the automated segmentation and counting of synapses in large stacks of electron microscopy images J Morales, L Alonso-Nanclares, JR Rodríguez, J DeFelipe, Á Rodríguez, ... Frontiers in neuroanatomy 5, 18, 2011 | 89 | 2011 |
Respuesta inflamatoria aguda. Consideraciones bioquímicas y celulares MLL Regal, AA Borges, JO de Armas García, LM Alvarado, JAV Cedeño, ... Revista de Enfermedades no Transmisibles Finlay 5 (1), 47-62, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
The holocene transgression into the estuarine central basin of the Odiel River mouth (Cadig gulf, SW, Spain): lithology and faunal assemblages J Borrego, F Ruiz, ML González-Regalado, JG Pendón, JA Morales Quaternary Science Reviews 18 (6), 769-788, 1999 | 78 | 1999 |
Olive (olea europea) pollen allergens—II Isolation and characterization of two major antigens P Lauzurica, N Maruri, B Galocha, J Gonzalez, R Diaz, P Palomino, ... Molecular immunology 25 (4), 337-344, 1988 | 77 | 1988 |