Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
International Institute of Physics - UFRN
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Exotic phases induced by strong spin-orbit coupling in ordered double perovskites
G Chen, R Pereira, L Balents
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (17), 174440, 2010
Diffusion and ballistic transport in one-dimensional quantum systems
J Sirker, RG Pereira, I Affleck
Physical review letters 103 (21), 216602, 2009
Conservation laws, integrability, and transport in one-dimensional quantum systems
J Sirker, RG Pereira, I Affleck
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (3), 035115, 2011
Dynamical Spin Structure Factor for the Anisotropic Spin- Heisenberg Chain
RG Pereira, J Sirker, JS Caux, R Hagemans, JM Maillet, SR White, ...
Physical review letters 96 (25), 257202, 2006
Spectral function of spinless fermions on a one-dimensional lattice
RG Pereira, SR White, I Affleck
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (16), 165113, 2009
Exact Edge Singularities and Dynamical Correlations in Spin- Chains
RG Pereira, SR White, I Affleck
Physical review letters 100 (2), 027206, 2008
Dynamical structure factor at smallq for theXXZ spin-1/2 chain
RG Pereira, J Sirker, JS Caux, R Hagemans, JM Maillet, SR White, ...
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (08), P08022, 2007
Exactly conserved quasilocal operators for the XXZ spin chain
RG Pereira, V Pasquier, J Sirker, I Affleck
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (9), P09037, 2014
Unveiling phase transitions with machine learning
A Canabarro, FF Fanchini, AL Malvezzi, R Pereira, R Chaves
Physical Review B 100 (4), 045129, 2019
Chiral spin liquids in arrays of spin chains
G Gorohovsky, RG Pereira, E Sela
Physical Review B 91 (24), 245139, 2015
Topological transition from nodal to nodeless Zeeman splitting in altermagnets
RM Fernandes, VS De Carvalho, T Birol, RG Pereira
Physical Review B 109 (2), 024404, 2024
Kondo effect in a -symmetric non-Hermitian Hamiltonian
JAS Lourenço, RL Eneias, RG Pereira
Physical Review B 98 (8), 085126, 2018
Dimerization induced by the RKKY interaction
JC Xavier, RG Pereira, E Miranda, I Affleck
Physical review letters 90 (24), 247204, 2003
SU (4) Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice with exchange-frustrated perturbations: Implications for twistronics and Mott insulators
WMH Natori, R Nutakki, RG Pereira, EC Andrade
Physical Review B 100 (20), 205131, 2019
Chiral spin-orbital liquids with nodal lines
WMH Natori, EC Andrade, E Miranda, RG Pereira
Physical review letters 117 (1), 017204, 2016
Electrical access to Ising anyons in Kitaev spin liquids
RG Pereira, R Egger
Physical Review Letters 125 (22), 227202, 2020
Charge dynamics in half-filled Hubbard chains with finite on-site interaction
RG Pereira, K Penc, SR White, PD Sacramento, JMP Carmelo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (16), 165132, 2012
Kondo screening cloud and charge staircase in one-dimensional mesoscopic devices
RG Pereira, N Laflorencie, I Affleck, BI Halperin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (12), 125327, 2008
Spin-charge coupling in quantum wires at zero magnetic field
RG Pereira, E Sela
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (11), 115324, 2010
SU (4)-symmetric spin-orbital liquids on the hyperhoneycomb lattice
WMH Natori, EC Andrade, RG Pereira
Physical Review B 98 (19), 195113, 2018
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