Anastasiya Dolmatova
Anastasiya Dolmatova
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS
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Interplay of coupling and common noise at the transition to synchrony in oscillator populations
AV Pimenova, DS Goldobin, M Rosenblum, A Pikovsky
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-7, 2016
A dissipative force between colliding viscoelastic bodies: Rigorous approach
NV Brilliantov, AV Pimenova, DS Goldobin
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 109 (1), 14005, 2015
Synchronization of coupled active rotators by common noise
AV Dolmatova, DS Goldobin, A Pikovsky
Physical Review E 96 (6), 062204, 2017
Ott-Antonsen ansatz truncation of a circular cumulant series
DS Goldobin, AV Dolmatova
Physical Review Research 1 (3), 033139, 2019
Collision of viscoelastic bodies: Rigorous derivation of dissipative force
DS Goldobin, EA Susloparov, AV Pimenova, NV Brilliantov
The European Physical Journal E 38 (6), 1-9, 2015
Interplay of the mechanisms of synchronization by common noise and global coupling for a general class of limit-cycle oscillators
DS Goldobin, AV Dolmatova
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 75, 94-108, 2019
Interplay of the mechanisms of synchronization by common noise and global coupling for a general class of limit-cycle oscillators
DS Goldobin, AV Dolmatova
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 75, 94-108, 2019
Competing influence of common noise and desynchronizing coupling on synchronization in the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi ensemble
DS Goldobin, AV Pimenova, M Rosenblum, A Pikovsky
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 226 (9), 1921-1937, 2017
Running interfacial waves in a two-layer fluid system subject to longitudinal vibrations
DS Goldobin, AV Pimenova, KV Kovalevskaya, DV Lyubimov, ...
Physical Review E 91 (5), 053010, 2015
Comparison of the effect of horizontal vibrations on interfacial waves in a two-layer system of inviscid liquids to effective gravity inversion
AV Pimenova, DS Goldobin, TP Lyubimova
Microgravity Science and Technology 30 (1), 1-10, 2018
Boiling of the interface between two immiscible liquids below the bulk boiling temperatures of both components
AV Pimenova, DS Goldobin
The European Physical Journal E 37 (11), 1-17, 2014
Accelerated FBP for computed tomography image reconstruction
A Dolmatova, M Chukalina, D Nikolaev
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3030-3034, 2020
Circular cumulant reductions for macroscopic dynamics of Kuramoto ensemble with multiplicative intrinsic noise
DS Goldobin, AV Dolmatova
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53 (8), 08LT01, 2020
Magnetic flux leakage method: Large-scale approximation
AV Pimenova, DS Goldobin, J Levesley, AO Ivantsov, P Elkington, ...
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 10 (3), 61-70, 2015
Boiling at the boundary of two immiscible liquids below the bulk boiling temperature of each component
AV Pimenova, DS Goldobin
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 119 (1), 91-100, 2014
Кипение на границе двух несмешивающихся жидкостей ниже температуры объемного кипения каждой из компонент
АВ Пименова, ДС Голдобин
Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 146 (1), 105-115, 2014
Circular cumulant reductions for macroscopic dynamics of oscillator populations with non-Gaussian noise
AV Dolmatova, IV Tyulkina, DS Goldobin
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 33 (11), 2023
Synchronization in Kuramoto-Sakaguchi ensembles with competing influence of common noise and global coupling
DS Goldobin, AV Dolmatova, M Rosenblum, A Pikovsky
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.06967, 2017
Specific interface area and self-stirring in a two-liquid system experiencing intense interfacial boiling below the bulk boiling temperatures of both components
DS Goldobin, AV Pimenova
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 226 (6), 1155-1168, 2017
Синхронизация в ансамблях Курамото-Сакагучи при конкурирующем влияния общего шума и глобальной связи
ДС Голдобин, АВ Долматова, М Розенблюм, А Пиковский
Известия Вузов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика 25 (6), 5-37, 2017
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