Fabrice Benhamouda
Fabrice Benhamouda
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Falcon: Honest-majority maliciously secure framework for private deep learning
S Wagh, S Tople, F Benhamouda, E Kushilevitz, P Mittal, T Rabin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.02229, 2020
Supporting private data on hyperledger fabric with secure multiparty computation
F Benhamouda, S Halevi, T Halevi
IBM Journal of Research and Development 63 (2/3), 3: 1-3: 8, 2019
Better zero-knowledge proofs for lattice encryption and their application to group signatures
F Benhamouda, J Camenisch, S Krenn, V Lyubashevsky, G Neven
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2014
New techniques for SPHFs and efficient one-round PAKE protocols
F Benhamouda, O Blazy, C Chevalier, D Pointcheval, D Vergnaud
Annual Cryptology Conference, 449-475, 2013
Can a public blockchain keep a secret?
F Benhamouda, C Gentry, S Gorbunov, S Halevi, H Krawczyk, C Lin, ...
Theory of Cryptography: 18th International Conference, TCC 2020, Durham, NC …, 2020
On the (in) security of ROS
F Benhamouda, T Lepoint, J Loss, M Orrù, M Raykova
Journal of Cryptology 35 (4), 25, 2022
Randomness complexity of private circuits for multiplication
S Belaïd, F Benhamouda, A Passelègue, E Prouff, A Thillard, D Vergnaud
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2016: 35th Annual International Conference …, 2016
Efficient zero-knowledge proofs for commitments from learning with errors over rings
F Benhamouda, S Krenn, V Lyubashevsky, K Pietrzak
European symposium on research in computer security, 305-325, 2015
Decentralizing inner-product functional encryption
M Abdalla, F Benhamouda, M Kohlweiss, H Waldner
IACR International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 128-157, 2019
Security of the J-PAKE password-authenticated key exchange protocol
M Abdalla, F Benhamouda, P MacKenzie
2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 571-587, 2015
Public‐key encryption indistinguishable under plaintext‐checkable attacks
M Abdalla, F Benhamouda, D Pointcheval
IET Information Security 10 (6), 288-303, 2016
From single-input to multi-client inner-product functional encryption
M Abdalla, F Benhamouda, R Gay
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2019
Disjunctions for hash proof systems: New constructions and applications
M Abdalla, F Benhamouda, D Pointcheval
Advances in Cryptology-EUROCRYPT 2015: 34th Annual International Conference …, 2015
A new framework for privacy-preserving aggregation of time-series data
F Benhamouda, M Joye, B Libert
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 18 (3), 1-21, 2016
SPHF-friendly non-interactive commitments
M Abdalla, F Benhamouda, O Blazy, C Chevalier, D Pointcheval
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2013
On the local leakage resilience of linear secret sharing schemes
F Benhamouda, A Degwekar, Y Ishai, T Rabin
Journal of Cryptology 34, 1-65, 2021
CCA-secure inner-product functional encryption from projective hash functions
F Benhamouda, F Bourse, H Lipmaa
IACR International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 36-66, 2017
k-Round Multiparty Computation from k-Round Oblivious Transfer via Garbled Interactive Circuits
F Benhamouda, H Lin
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2018: 37th Annual International Conference …, 2018
Hash proof systems over lattices revisited
F Benhamouda, O Blazy, L Ducas, W Quach
IACR International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 644-674, 2018
Private multiplication over finite fields
S Belaïd, F Benhamouda, A Passelègue, E Prouff, A Thillard, D Vergnaud
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 397-426, 2017
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