Raj Siddharthan
Raj Siddharthan
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Pavement strain from moving dynamic 3D load distribution
RV Siddharthan, J Yao, PE Sebaaly
Journal of Transportation Engineering 124 (6), 557-566, 1998
A general framework for the occurrence and faulting of deformation bands in porous granular rocks
RA Schultz, R Siddharthan
Tectonophysics 411 (1-4), 1-18, 2005
Moving load response of layered soil. I: Formulation
R Siddharthan, Z Zafir, GM Norris
Journal of engineering mechanics 119 (10), 2052-2071, 1993
Investigation of tire contact stress distributions on pavement response
RV Siddharthan, N Krishnamenon, M El-Mously, PE Sebaaly
Journal of Transportation Engineering 128 (2), 136-144, 2002
On the characteristics of nonlinear soil response
G Yu, JG Anderson, RAJ Siddharthan
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 83 (1), 218-244, 1993
Dynamic pavement-strain histories from moving traffic load
Z Zafir, R Siddharthan, PE Sebaaly
Journal of transportation engineering 120 (5), 821-842, 1994
Numerical modeling of geogrid-reinforced flexible pavement and corresponding validation using large-scale tank test
F Gu, X Luo, R Luo, RL Lytton, EY Hajj, RV Siddharthan
Construction and Building Materials 122, 214-230, 2016
Response of seafloor to ocean waves
WD Liam Finn, R Siddharthan, GR Martin
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 109 (4), 556-572, 1983
Heavy off-road vehicle tire-pavement interactions and response
RV Siddharthan, PE Sebaaly, M El-Desouky, D Strand, D Huft
Journal of Transportation Engineering 131 (3), 239-247, 2005
Pavement structural evaluation at the network level
GR Rada, S Nazarian, BA Visintine, RV Siddharthan, S Thyagarajan
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Infrastructure …, 2016
Equivalent loading frequencies for dynamic analysis of asphalt pavements
A Ulloa, EY Hajj, RV Siddharthan, PE Sebaaly
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25 (9), 1162-1170, 2013
Simple rigid plastic model for seismic tilting of rigid walls
R Siddharthan, S Ara, GM Norris
Journal of Structural Engineering 118 (2), 469-487, 1992
Characteristics of nonlinear response of deep saturated soil deposits
SD Ni, RV Siddharthan, JG Anderson
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (2), 342-355, 1997
Robust deflection indices from traffic-speed deflectometer measurements to predict critical pavement responses for network-level pavement management system application
M Nasimifar, S Thyagarajan, RV Siddharthan, N Sivaneswaran
Journal of Transportation Engineering 142 (3), 04016004, 2016
Liquefaction and residual strength of sands from drained triaxial tests
G Norris, R Siddharthan, Z Zafir, R Madhu
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 123 (3), 220-228, 1997
Validation of a pavement response model using full-scale field tests
RV Siddharthan, N Krishnamenon, M El-Mously, PE Sebaaly
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 3 (2), 85-93, 2002
Pavement response evaluation using finite-layer approach
RV Siddharthan, N Krishnamenon, PE Sebaaly
Transportation Research Record 1709, 43-49, 2000
Stiffnesses of abutments on spread footings with cohesionless backfill
RV Siddharthan, M El-Gamal, EA Maragakis
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 34 (5), 686-697, 1997
Investigation of impact of wheel wander on pavement performance
RV Siddharthan, M Nasimifar, X Tan, EY Hajj
Road Materials and Pavement Design 18 (2), 390-407, 2017
Finite-layer approach to pavement response evaluation
RV Siddharthan, N Krishnamenon, PE Sebaaly
Transportation Research Record 1709 (1), 43-49, 2000
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