Knowledge management and knowledge management systems: Conceptual foundations and research issues M Alavi, DE Leidner MIS quarterly, 107-136, 2001 | 18427 | 2001 |
Communication and trust in global virtual teams SL Jarvenpaa, DE Leidner Organization science 10 (6), 791-815, 1999 | 4671 | 1999 |
Is anybody out there? Antecedents of trust in global virtual teams SL Jarvenpaa, K Knoll, DE Leidner Journal of management information systems 14 (4), 29-64, 1998 | 3311 | 1998 |
Knowledge management systems: issues, challenges, and benefits M Alavi, D Leidner Communications of the Association for Information systems 1 (1), 7, 1999 | 3069 | 1999 |
Information Technology for Management, (With CD) E Turban, D Leidner, E McLean, J Wetherbe John Wiley & Sons, 2008 | 2970 | 2008 |
A review of culture in information systems research: Toward a theory of information technology culture conflict DE Leidner, T Kayworth MIS quarterly, 357-399, 2006 | 2448 | 2006 |
The use of information technology to enhance management school education: A theoretical view DE Leidner, SL Jarvenpaa MIS quarterly, 265-291, 1995 | 1909 | 1995 |
An empirical examination of the influence of organizational culture on knowledge management practices M Alavi, TR Kayworth, DE Leidner Journal of management information systems 22 (3), 191-224, 2005 | 1444 | 2005 |
Leadership effectiveness in global virtual teams TR Kayworth, DE Leidner Journal of management information systems 18 (3), 7-40, 2002 | 1408 | 2002 |
Communication and trust in global virtual teams SL Jarvenpaa, DE Leidner Journal of computer-mediated communication 3 (4), JCMC346, 1998 | 1296 | 1998 |
Research commentary: Technology-mediated learning—A call for greater depth and breadth of research M Alavi, DE Leidner Information systems research 12 (1), 1-10, 2001 | 1093 | 2001 |
Studying knowledge management in information systems research: discourses and theoretical assumptions U Schultze, DE Leidner MIS quarterly, 213-242, 2002 | 1075 | 2002 |
Tecnologia da Informação para Gestão-: Transformando os Negócios na Economia Digital E Turban, D Leidner, E Mclean, J Wetherbe Bookman, 2010 | 850 | 2010 |
The global virtual manager: A prescription for success T Kayworth, D Leidner European Management Journal 18 (2), 183-194, 2000 | 720 | 2000 |
Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems RD Galliers, DE Leidner Routledge, 2014 | 694 | 2014 |
Bridging communities of practice with information technology in pursuit of global knowledge sharing SL Pan, DE Leidner The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 12 (1), 71-88, 2003 | 536 | 2003 |
An information company in Mexico: Extending the resource-based view of the firm to a developing country context SL Jarvenpaa, DE Leidner Information systems research 9 (4), 342-361, 1998 | 497 | 1998 |
The information age confronts education: Case studies on electronic classrooms DE Leidner, SL Jarvenpaa Information systems research 4 (1), 24-54, 1993 | 482 | 1993 |
Affordances, experimentation and actualization of FinTech: A blockchain implementation study WD Du, SL Pan, DE Leidner, W Ying The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 28 (1), 50-65, 2019 | 447 | 2019 |
Research Note—A Model of Conflict, Leadership, and Performance in Virtual Teams RL Wakefield, DE Leidner, G Garrison Information systems research 19 (4), 434-455, 2008 | 446 | 2008 |