Hamed Soleimani
Hamed Soleimani
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Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain: A comprehensive review to explore the future
K Govindan, H Soleimani, D Kannan
European journal of operational research 240 (3), 603-626, 2015
A review of reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chains: a Journal of Cleaner Production focus
K Govindan, H Soleimani
Journal of cleaner production 142, 371-384, 2017
A hybrid particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm for closed-loop supply chain network design in large-scale networks
H Soleimani, G Kannan
Applied mathematical modelling 39 (14), 3990-4012, 2015
Fuzzy multi-objective sustainable and green closed-loop supply chain network design
H Soleimani, K Govindan, H Saghafi, H Jafari
Computers & industrial engineering 109, 191-203, 2017
Sustainable third-party reverse logistics provider evaluation and selection using fuzzy SWARA and developed fuzzy COPRAS in the presence of risk criteria
N Zarbakhshnia, H Soleimani, H Ghaderi
Applied soft computing 65, 307-319, 2018
An improved ant colony optimization algorithm for the multi-depot green vehicle routing problem with multiple objectives
Y Li, H Soleimani, M Zohal
Journal of cleaner production 227, 1161-1172, 2019
Markowitz-based portfolio selection with minimum transaction lots, cardinality constraints and regarding sector capitalization using genetic algorithm
H Soleimani, HR Golmakani, MH Salimi
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3), 5058-5063, 2009
Reverse logistics network design and planning utilizing conditional value at risk
H Soleimani, K Govindan
European journal of operational research 237 (2), 487-497, 2014
Developing an ant colony approach for green closed-loop supply chain network design: a case study in gold industry
M Zohal, H Soleimani
Journal of Cleaner Production 133, 314-337, 2016
A novel hybrid multiple attribute decision-making approach for outsourcing sustainable reverse logistics
N Zarbakhshnia, Y Wu, K Govindan, H Soleimani
Journal of Cleaner Production 242, 118461, 2020
A novel multi-objective model for green forward and reverse logistics network design
N Zarbakhshnia, H Soleimani, M Goh, SS Razavi
Journal of cleaner production 208, 1304-1316, 2019
Incorporating risk measures in closed-loop supply chain network design
H Soleimani, M Seyyed-Esfahani, G Kannan
International journal of production research 52 (6), 1843-1867, 2014
Collection and distribution of returned-remanufactured products in a vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery considering sustainable and green criteria
H Soleimani, Y Chaharlang, H Ghaderi
Journal of cleaner production 172, 960-970, 2018
Designing and planning a multi-echelon multi-period multi-product closed-loop supply chain utilizing genetic algorithm
H Soleimani, M Seyyed-Esfahani, MA Shirazi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68, 917-931, 2013
A new multi-criteria scenario-based solution approach for stochastic forward/reverse supply chain network design
H Soleimani, M Seyyed-Esfahani, MA Shirazi
Annals of Operations Research 242 (2), 399-421, 2016
Design and optimization of biomass electricity supply chain with uncertainty in material quality, availability and market demand
M Saghaei, H Ghaderi, H Soleimani
Energy 197, 117165, 2020
Revenue management in a multi-level multi-channel supply chain considering pricing, greening, and advertising decisions
B Khorshidvand, H Soleimani, S Sibdari, MMS Esfahani
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, 102425, 2021
A hybrid modeling approach for green and sustainable closed-loop supply chain considering price, advertisement and uncertain demands
B Khorshidvand, H Soleimani, S Sibdari, MMS Esfahani
Computers & Industrial Engineering 157, 107326, 2021
A Benders decomposition approach for a real case supply chain network design with capacity acquisition and transporter planning: wheat distribution network
B Naderi, K Govindan, H Soleimani
Annals of Operations Research 291, 685-705, 2020
A new sustainable closed-loop supply chain model for mining industry considering fixed-charged transportation: A case study in a travertine quarry
H Soleimani
Resources Policy 74, 101230, 2021
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