A finite element method for the analysis of rubber parts, experimental and analytical assessment E Jankovich, F Leblanc, M Durand, M Bercovier Computers & Structures 14 (5-6), 385-391, 1981 | 60 | 1981 |
Determination of the parameters of Ogden's law using biaxial data and Levenberg-Marquardt-Fletcher algorithm A Benjeddou, E Jankovich, T Hadhri Journal of Elastomers & Plastics 25 (3), 224-248, 1993 | 39 | 1993 |
Applications of a major FEM code to the stress analysis of rubber parts N Antoun, E Jankovich, T Estebenet Kautschuk und Gummi, Kunststoffe 48 (2), 94-98, 1995 | 15 | 1995 |
Nonapplicability of linear finite element programs to the stress analysis of tires M Durand, E Jankovich NASA. Langley Res. Center NASTRAN: Users' Experiences, 1972 | 14 | 1972 |
Comparative tire stress analysis study by ASKA, NASTRAN, and TITUS E Jankovich, M Durand NASTRAN Users' Forum, 1974 | 3 | 1974 |
Elément fini mixte pour le calcul des pièces en caoutchouc à partir de lois d'élasticité non linéaires(vérifications expérimentales) E Jankovich, G Evrard, F Leblanc, JP Nottin Kléber Colombes, 1978 | 2 | 1978 |
An enhanced strain mixed method applied to rubber-like material T Estebenet, A Guessab, E Jankovich Computers & structures 52 (3), 573-579, 1994 | | 1994 |
Finite Element Stress Analysis of Rubber Automobile Parts Including Friction E Jankovich, M Jomaa SAE Technical Paper, 1991 | | 1991 |
Development of Pressure Dependent Friction Coefficients for Rubber, Comparison Between Computation and Experiment E JANKOVICH 31st Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 1111, 1990 | | 1990 |
The Development of a Mechanical Model for a Tire: A 15 Year Story to Replace Test Machines M Bercovier, E Jankovich, M Durand Proceedings of the Second European Symposium on Mathematics in Industry …, 1988 | | 1988 |
Finite element stress analysis of polymers at high strains M Durand, E Jankovich NASA. Langley Res. Center NASTRAN: Users' Experiences, 1973 | | 1973 |
NONAPPLICABILITY OF M Durand, E Jankovich, F COLOMBES NASTRAN, Users' Experiences: Compendium of Papers Prepared for the Second …, 1972 | | 1972 |
Nonapplicability of linear finite element programs to the stress analysis of tires(Static finite element stress analysis of inflated radial car tire) M DURAND, E JANKOVICH NASA. Langley Res. Center NASTRAN: Users' Experiences p 263-276(SEE N 72 …, 1972 | | 1972 |
Sur une théorie élastoplastique des coques de révolution à méridienne continue par intervalles... É Jankovich | | 1968 |
Correlation between single-loading and complex-loading low temperature tests on welded joints M Durand, E Jankovich 9th Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 347, 1968 | | 1968 |
Numerical solution and experimental evaluation of elastoplastic problems for multiply connected shells of revolution(Automatic data processing method for analyzing multiply … M DURAND, E JANKOVICH | | 1968 |
Correlation between single-loading and complex- loading low temperature tests on welded joints(Failure criteria for brittle materials from tests on pressure vessels welded … M DURAND, E JANKOVICH | | 1968 |
THE DEVELOPMEBT OF A MECHABICAL MODEL FOB A TIBE: A 15 YEAB STOBY TO BEPLACE TEST MACHIBES M Bercovier, E Jankovich, M Durand European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, 269, 0 | | |