Josep Llach
Josep Llach
UPF Barcelona School of Management - Universitat de Girona
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A closer look at the ‘Global Reporting Initiative’sustainability reporting as a tool to implement environmental and social policies: A worldwide sector analysis
M del Mar Alonso‐Almeida, J Llach, F Marimon
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 21 (6), 318-335, 2014
Innovation in family and non-family businesses: A resource perspective
J Llach, M Nordqvist
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2 (3-4), 381-399, 2010
Determinants of online booking loyalties for the purchasing of airline tickets
J Llach, F Marimon, M del Mar Alonso-Almeida, M Bernardo
Tourism Management 35, 23-31, 2013
Joint impact of quality and environmental practices on firm performance in small service businesses: An empirical study of restaurants
J Llach, J Perramon, M del Mar Alonso-Almeida, L Bagur-Femenías
Journal of Cleaner Production 44, 96-104, 2013
Proactive and reactive strategies deployed by restaurants in times of crisis: Effects on capabilities, organization and competitive advantage
MM Alonso-Almeida, K Bremser, J Llach
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (7), 1641-1661, 2015
Comparative analysis of diffusion of the ISO 14001 standard by sector of activity
F Marimon, J Llach, M Bernardo
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (15), 1734-1744, 2011
Sustainability in small tourist businesses: The link between initiatives and performance
MM Alonso-Almeida, L Bagur-Femenias, J Llach, J Perramon
Current Issues in Tourism 21 (1), 1-20, 2018
Green practices in restaurants: Impact on firm performance
J Perramon, MM Alonso-Almeida, J Llach, L Bagur-Femenías
Operations Management Research 7, 2-12, 2014
Is the adoption of environmental practices a strategical decision for small service companies? An empirical approach
L Bagur‐Femenias, J Llach, M del Mar Alonso‐Almeida
Management Decision 51 (1), 41-62, 2013
Socially responsible companies: A re they the best workplace for millennials? A cross‐national analysis
MDM Alonso‐Almeida, J Llach
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 26 (1), 238-247, 2019
Exploring the impact of energy efficiency technologies on manufacturing firm performance
M Pons, A Bikfalvi, J Llach, I Palcic
Journal of Cleaner production 52, 134-144, 2013
Difusión de las memorias de sostenibilidad en Latinoamérica: análisis territorial y sectorial
M del Mar Alonso-Almeida, F Marimon, J Llach
Estudios gerenciales 31 (135), 139-149, 2015
ISO 9001 diffusion analysis according to activity sectors
J Llach, F Marimon, M Bernardo
Industrial Management & Data Systems 111 (2), 298-316, 2011
CC-Qual: A holistic scale to assess customer perceptions of service quality of collaborative consumption services
F Marimon, J Llach, M Alonso-Almeida, M Mas-Machuca
International Journal of Information Management 49, 130-141, 2019
How much does lean manufacturing need environmental and information technologies?
A Sartal, J Llach, XH Vázquez, R de Castro
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 45, 260-272, 2017
UnivQual: a holistic scale to assess student perceptions of service quality at universities
F Marimon, M Mas-Machuca, J Berbegal-Mirabent, J Llach
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 30 (1-2), 184-200, 2019
The adoption of quality management practices and their impact on business performance in small service companies: the case of Spanish travel agencies
MM del Alonso-Almeida, L Bagur-Femenías, J Llach
Service Business 9, 57-75, 2015
Adoption and use of technology in small business environments
MM Alonso-Almeida, J Llach
The service industries journal 33 (15-16), 1456-1472, 2013
Science and technology parks: creating new environments favourable to innovation
PC Vilà, JL Pagès
Paradigmes: economia productiva i coneixement, 2008
Social Accountability 8000 standard certification: analysis of worldwide diffusion
J Llach, F Marimon, M del Mar Alonso-Almeida
Journal of Cleaner Production 93, 288-298, 2015
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