Sandor Beregi
Sandor Beregi
Research Associate, Imperial College London
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Bifurcation analysis of wheel shimmy with non-smooth effects and time delay in the tyre–ground contact
S Beregi, D Takacs, G Stepan
Nonlinear Dynamics 98 (1), 841-858, 2019
Development of a digital twin operational platform using Python Flask
MS Bonney, M De Angelis, M Dal Borgo, L Andrade, S Beregi, N Jamia, ...
Data-Centric Engineering 3, e1, 2022
Connectivity-based delay-tolerant control of automated vehicles: theory and experiments
S Beregi, SS Avedisov, CR He, D Takács, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 8 (1), 275-289, 2021
Tyre induced vibrations of the car–trailer system
S Beregi, D Takács, G Stépán
Journal of Sound and Vibration 362, 214-227, 2016
Using scientific machine learning for experimental bifurcation analysis of dynamic systems
S Beregi, DAW Barton, D Rezgui, S Neild
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 184, 109649, 2023
Nonlinear analysis of a shimmying wheel with contact-force characteristics featuring higher-order discontinuities
S Beregi, D Takács, C Hős
Nonlinear Dynamics 90, 877-888, 2017
Robustness of nonlinear parameter identification in the presence of process noise using control-based continuation
S Beregi, DAW Barton, D Rezgui, SA Neild
Nonlinear Dynamics 104 (2), 885-900, 2021
Analysis of the tyre–road interaction with a non-smooth delayed contact model
S Beregi, D Takács
Multibody System Dynamics 45, 185-201, 2019
Theoretical and experimental study on the nonlinear dynamics of wheel-shimmy
S Beregi, D Takacs, G Gyebroszki, G Stepan
Nonlinear Dynamics 98 (4), 2581-2593, 2019
Reinforcement learning and approximate Bayesian computation for model selection and parameter calibration applied to a nonlinear dynamical system
TG Ritto, S Beregi, DAW Barton
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 181, 109485, 2022
Nonlinear analysis of the delayed tyre model with control-based continuation
S Beregi
Nonlinear Dynamics 110 (4), 3151-3165, 2022
Hierarchical steering control for a front wheel drive automated car
S Beregi, D Takács, CR He, SS Avedisov, G Orosz
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (14), 1-6, 2018
Optimal algorithms for controlling infectious diseases in real time using noisy infection data
S Beregi, KV Parag
medRxiv, 2024.05. 24.24307878, 2024
Nidhal Jamia, and David J Wagg
MS Bonney, M De Angelis, M Dal Borgo, L Andrade, S Beregi
Development of a digital twin operational platform using python flask. Data …, 2022
Hysteresis effect in the nonlinear stability of towed wheels
S Beregi, D Takács, DAW Barton
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2017
Stability analysis of the car-trailer system with a time-delayed tyre model
S Beregi, D Takács, G Stépán, DAW Barton
Hybrid testing of a cantilever beam with two controlled degrees of freedom
A Vizzaccaro, S Beregi, D Barton, S Neild
Dynamic Substructures, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 40th IMAC, A Conference …, 2022
Delay effects and non-smoothness in the dynamic tyre-road contact and vehicle steering
S Beregi
PQDT-Global, 2020
Real-time hybrid testing using iterative control for periodic oscillations
S Beregi, DAW Barton, D Rezgui, SA Neild
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 480 (2299), 20230520, 2024
Reinforcement learning and approximate Bayesian computation (RL-ABC) for model selection and parameter calibration of time-varying systems
TG Ritto, S Beregi, DAW Barton
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 200, 110458, 2023
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