A superconvergent LDG-hybridizable Galerkin method for second-order elliptic problems B Cockburn, B Dong, J Guzmán Mathematics of Computation 77 (264), 1887-1916, 2008 | 360 | 2008 |
A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for steady-state convection-diffusion-reaction problems B Cockburn, B Dong, J Guzmán, M Restelli, R Sacco SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (5), 3827-3846, 2009 | 239 | 2009 |
An analysis of the minimal dissipation local discontinuous Galerkin method for convection–diffusion problems B Cockburn, B Dong Journal of Scientific Computing 32, 233-262, 2007 | 134 | 2007 |
Analysis of a local discontinuous Galerkin method for linear time-dependent fourth-order problems B Dong, CW Shu SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (5), 3240-3268, 2009 | 131 | 2009 |
Optimal convergence of the original DG method for the transport-reaction equation on special meshes B Cockburn, B Dong, J Guzmán SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (3), 1250-1265, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
A hybridizable and superconvergent discontinuous Galerkin method for biharmonic problems B Cockburn, B Dong, J Guzmán Journal of Scientific Computing 40 (1), 141-187, 2009 | 69 | 2009 |
Optimal convergence of the original DG method on special meshes for variable transport velocity B Cockburn, B Dong, J Guzmán, J Qian SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 48 (1), 133-146, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
Superconvergent HDG methods for linear, stationary, third-order equations in one-space dimension Y Chen, B Cockburn, B Dong Mathematics of Computation 85 (302), 2715-2742, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Optimally convergent HDG method for third-order Korteweg–de Vries type equations B Dong Journal of Scientific Computing 73 (2), 712-735, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
A new discontinuous Galerkin method, conserving the discrete H2-norm, for third-order linear equations in one space dimension Y Chen, B Cockburn, B Dong IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 36 (4), 1570-1598, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
A new multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method for the one-dimensional stationary Schrödinger equation B Dong, CW Shu, W Wang Journal of Scientific Computing 66 (1), 321-345, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
A new conservative discontinuous Galerkin method via implicit penalization for the generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation Y Chen, B Dong, R Pereira SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 60 (6), 3078-3098, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
High-order multiscale discontinuous Galerkin methods for the one-dimensional stationary Schrödinger equation B Dong, W Wang Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 380, 112962, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Optimally convergent hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries type equations Y Chen, B Dong, J Jiang ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 52 (6), 2283-2306, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
A high-order multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method for two-dimensional Schrödinger equation in quantum transport B Dong, W Wang Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 418, 114701, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
A new multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method for a class of second-order equations with oscillatory solutions in two-dimensional space B Dong, W Wang Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM …, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
A Foreword to the Special Issue in Honor of Professor Bernardo Cockburn on His 60th Birthday: A Life Time of Discontinuous Schemings Y Chen, B Dong, CW Shu Journal of Scientific Computing 77, 1303-1309, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Optimally convergent hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries type equations B Dong, J Jiang, Y Chen arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.07734, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
The effect of the sensitivity parameter in weighted essentially non-oscillatory methods B Dong, S Gottlieb, Y Hristova, Y Jiang, H Wang Topics in Numerical Partial Differential Equations and Scientific Computing …, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Numerical investigations on the resonance errors of multiscale discontinuous Galerkin methods for one-dimensional stationary Schrödinger equation B Dong, W Wang Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 (1), 311-324, 2024 | | 2024 |