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dimas fajar uman putra
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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The comparison of dual axis photovoltaic tracking system using artificial intelligence techniques
M Ali, AA Firdaus, H Arof, H Nurohmah, H Suyono, DFU Putra, MA Muslim
IAES Int. J. Artif. Intell 10 (4), 901, 2021
Distribution network reconfiguration using binary particle swarm optimization to minimize losses and decrease voltage stability index
AA Firdaus, O Penangsang, A Soeprijanto, DF UP
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 7 (4), 514-521, 2018
Dynamic DC optimal power flow using quadratic programming
RS Wibowo, A Soeprijanto, O Penangsang
2013 International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical …, 2013
Optimal placement and sizing of distributed generation in radial distribution system using K-means clustering method
O Penangsang, DFU Putra, T Kurniawan
2017 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2017
Unit commitment with non-smooth generation cost function using binary particle swarm optimization
RS Wibowo, FF Utama, DFU Putra, NK Aryani
2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2016
Capacitor placement and sizing in distorted distribution systems using simplified direct search algorithm
DFUP Fitriana Suhartati, O Penangsang, A Soeprijanto
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 2 (4), 317-321, 2014
Analysis of the effect of a microcontroller-based solar panel cooling system on temperature and power output
VA Kusuma, H Aprillia, SS Suprapto, MN Ramadhani, AA Firdaus, ...
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering 12 (2), 119-125, 2023
Harmonic Effect for Voltage Stability Condition in Radial Distribution System
NPU Putra, A Soeprijanto, NK Aryani, DFU Putra
2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2019
Resolving Economic Dispatch with Uncertainty Effect in Microgrids Using Hybrid Incremental Particle Swarm Optimization and Deep Learning Method: Resolving Economic Dispatch …
NH Rohiem, A Soeprijanto, DFU Putra, M Syai’in, IB Sulistiawati, ...
Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and …, 2021
Optimizing Tie Switches Allocation and Sizing Distributed Generation (DG) Based on Maximize Loadability Simultaneously Using HPSO Algorithm
DA Wicaksono, O Penangsang, RS Wibowo, NK Aryani, DFU Putra
2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2019
Improved load frequency control performance by tuning parameters of PID controller and BESS using Bat algorithm
DFU Putra, AA Firdaus, H Arof, NPU Putra, VA Kusuma
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 12 (5), 2624-2634, 2023
Real-Time Monitoring of Dual-Axis PV System Based on Internet of Things
DFU Putra, AA Firdaus, RT Yunardi, M Ali, AP Rosalino, NPU Putra
2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2021
Security Constrained Unit Commitment Considering Ramp Rate and Transmission Line Losses Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Based on IEEE 30 Bus System
NK Aryani, DFU Putra, EA Arifin, AS Daroini
2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2019
Power system stabilizer based on interval type 2 fuzzy sliding mode controller for oscillation damping on 500kv java-bali electrical power system
A Soeprijanto, M Abdillah, DF Uman, P Mardlijah
Journal of Electrical Systems 2015 (Specialissue3), 1-11, 2015
Gym training muscle fatigue monitoring using EMG myoware and arduino with envelope and sliding window methods
SS Suprapto, VA Kusuma, MN Farid, MA Nursyeha, K Sugiarto, ...
International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems/International …, 2023
Leveraging PSO algorithms to achieve optimal stand-alone microgrid performance with a focus on battery lifetime
VA Kusuma, AA Firdaus, SS Suprapto, DFU Putra, Y Prasetyo, F Filliana
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering 12 (3), 293-299, 2023
Analisis Penyebaran Harmonisa Pada Sistem Distribusi Radial Kota Bandar Lampung Menggunakan Metode Forward Backward Sweep dan Harmonic Load Flow
MD Faraby, MDC Putra, O Penangsang, RS Wibowo, DFU Putra, ...
Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (SNTEI), 80-85, 2021
Distribution Network Reconfiguration with Binary Particle Swarm Optimization to Reduce Power Loss in Kuta
AA Firdaus, A Soeprijanto, A Priyadi, DFU Putra, NK Aryani, NZ Dina
2022 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2022
Increased Resilience Using Close Loop Renewable Microgrids in the Surabaya Distribution System as a Self-Healing Application
DFU Putra, A Soeprijanto, O Penangsang, R Delfianti, NH Rohiem, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2117 (1), 012026, 2021
Dynamic economic dispatch considering emission using multi-objective flower pollination algorithm
MF Azis, A Ryanta, DFU Putra, O Fenno
ASEAN/Asian Academic Society international conference proceeding series, 2015
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